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### L3 strengthening measure
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2025
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### 1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING
# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from rhdhv_fem.shapes import Floor, Roof
from rhdhv_fem.materials.timber import Timber
# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
from viiapackage.strengthening.helper_functions import viia_check_shape_argument
from viiapackage.strengthening.helper_functions import viia_check_measure_in_gmc
from viiapackage.materials import viia_get_material_group_constants, viia_get_material_model_properties, \
viia_create_material_model, viia_get_material_group
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### 2. Function to create L3 strengthening measure of multiplex panels
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[docs]def viia_l3_multiplex_panel(
project: ViiaProject, surface: Union[str, Floor, Roof], material_name: str, function_name: str,
variant: int) -> Union[Floor, Roof]:
This function creates an L3 measure for a selected surface. With this measure, one or two multiplex panels are glued
or screwed onto the existing timber floor/roof. When applied to a timber joist with planks, the strength and
stiffness of the planks is neglected. In the model the material of the floor/roof will be adjusted with an updated
in-plane shear stiffness and an increased density. The thickness of the surface is adjusted.
.. note:: This function only accepts surfaces with a timber material applied.
- project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables.
- surface (obj): The object reference of the surface shape (floor/roof) that has to be strengthened.
Alternative (str): Name of the surface shape to be strengthened.
- material_name (str): Name of the material for the strengthening in the VIIA material database. These
properties are set in the BoD and adjusted for the properties of the original surface.
- function_name (str): Name of the measure function to be applied to the surface.
- variant (int): The variant number of the measure that is in the GMC.
- The strengthening measure is added to the floor or roof.
- When running in DIANA after creating the model, the DIANA model is updated.
- Returns the surface shape on which the measure is applied.
# Check if surface can be strengthened
surface = viia_check_shape_argument(project=project, shape=surface, function_name=function_name)
if not isinstance(surface, (Floor, Roof)):
raise TypeError("ERROR: The measure can only be applied on floors or roofs.")
# Collect the name for notifications
measure_name = material_name.replace('LIN-', '')[:2] + '-' + material_name.replace('LIN-', '')[2:]
# Check if measure is in GMC
measure_sub_type = f"{measure_name}-{int(variant)}"
viia_check_measure_in_gmc(project=project, measure_sub_type=measure_sub_type)
# These measures are only applicable on timber materials
if not isinstance(surface.material, Timber):
raise NotImplementedError(
f"ERROR: The material of {surface.name}: {surface.material}, is not timber material, the "
f"{measure_name} strengthening measure cannot be added.")
# Notification
f"Start applying {measure_name} measure to {surface.name}, the material and the geometry of the original "
f"shape will be modified.")
# Select the materialgroup
material_group = viia_get_material_group(project=project, material_name=material_name)
# Set material group properties
material_group_properties = viia_get_material_group_constants(project=project, material_group=material_group)
# Collect the material properties from the database
material_model_properties = viia_get_material_model_properties(
project=project, material_name=material_name, material_group=material_group)
# Create the material model
material_model = viia_create_material_model(
project=project, material_group=material_group, material_group_properties=material_group_properties,
material_name=material_name, material_model_properties=material_model_properties)
# Calculate the new density and added mass density
existing_mass = surface.geometry.geometry_model.thickness * surface.material.total_mass()
new_mass = existing_mass + material_model_properties['mass_density'] * material_model_properties['thickness']
new_mass_density = new_mass / material_model_properties['thickness']
existing_mass_density = existing_mass / material_model_properties['thickness']
added_mass_density = new_mass_density - existing_mass_density
# Create new material and remove original if not used anymore
surface.material = project.create_user_defined_timber(
name=f"{surface.material.name}-{measure_name.replace('-', '')}",
material_model=material_model, mass_density=existing_mass_density, added_mass=added_mass_density)
# Create new geometry and remove original if not used anymore
surface.geometry = project.create_user_defined_geometry(
# Update name of the shape
new_surface_name = surface.name.split('-')
new_surface_name.insert(len(surface.name.split('-')) - 1, measure_name.replace('-', ''))
surface.name = '-'.join(new_surface_name)
# Add meta-data to the floor
{'strengthening': measure_sub_type})
f"{measure_name} measure is applied on {surface.name} with updated material and geometry.")
return surface
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### 4. End of script
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