7. Phase 5: Retrofitting

After going through the validation process, the engineer needs to set-up a meeting with the LE to discuss the outcome of the validation process and verify if the conclusions he/she has drawn is acceptable. If the elements of the building require strengthening measures, then measures from the GMC catalog are selected. During the second ‘kick-off’, it may occur that the validation is deemed insufficient. In that case, the engineer and lead engineer will discuss how the validation should be carried out. The engineer will carry out this validation and confirm back with the lead engineer about it.

7.1. Maatregelenoverleg - Measures meeting

After the second ‘kick-off’ meeting, the complete set of seismic deficiencies is known and a maatregelenoverleg can be planned. During the maatregelenoverleg, the engineer presents, in a PowerPoint presentation, the elements that need retrofitting, along with pictures of the rooms in which the elements are located. After the maatregelenoverleg, the complete set of measures is confirmed. During the maatregelenoverleg the project leader, LE, cost engineer and geotechnical engineer are present.

7.2. Drawings Strengthened Situation

The client requires to provide drawings of the strengthening advice. These drawings are also used to communicate to the owners. This means that the drawings should be clear on where and how the measures are applied, but full detail and detailed dimensions are not required.


Figure 7.1 Image or picture to indicate the location of the suggested strengthening measure.

After the measures meeting you need to provide the necessary information for the draftsman. To create proper drawings you need to provide the complete measure-code from GMC (e.g. L4-D-1 and a picture of the measure (sketched). If the location of the picture is not clear also a (plan)view of the location of the measure could be provided. This should be done for all applied measures. This information is placed in a folder on box. You do not need to inform the draftsman that the data is available. If the data on box is insufficient the draftsman will contact you.


Figure 7.2 Location on box to store the information for the draftsman.

When the draftsman finishes the overview strengthening drawing he will tag you on box. You need to check specifically the applied measures. If the lead engineer wants to check the drawings too, you should tag him/her yourself. It is not necessary to check the existing situation on the drawing. The drawing should provide a recognisable image of the object, and only in case of real big differences, that should be noted. The inspector is responsible for the check on the existing drawing before applying the measures.

A checklist is available for the review, which should be used as a guideline:

  • Measures correctly represented

  • Measures in the (GMC) prescribed colours

  • Legend with applied measure-types

  • Legend describing structural elements (NL: ‘Renvooi’)

  • Title-block completely and correctly filled

  • Existing situation sufficiently recognisable

Note that the pictures have high priority, please respond within two working days. After two days the projectleader will be tagged. Note that the overview drawing with measures will not be part of the TVA report.


Figure 7.3 Workflow phase 1 for overview drawing strengthened situation.

After approval of the overview drawing the draftsman will create the measure specific drawings. You will be tagged by the draftsman when these are ready. And again respond within two working days for efficiency. The instructions on the review of the overview drawing are also applicable on these drawings. It is the responsibility of the structural engineer to tag the lead engineer if he requests to be involved in the check procedure.


Figure 7.4 Workflow phase 2 for the measure specific drawings of the strengthened situation.

Reporting is described in the next page: ‘Phase 6’.