13. Scoring systems in the REF tool
The Reference Approach Tool uses a weighted scoring system to suggest similar building elements which can be referenced in the NLTH-REF approach. This section elaborates on this scoring system, per failure mode.
13.1. In-Plane failure mode
A total score (out of 100%) is calculated by looking at relevant properties of the wall for the In-Plane failure mode. The following weights out of 100% are given to these properties :
Wall thickness [14.3%]
If the wall thickness is exactly the same as the critical element, the score is 100. If the thickness is within 20%, a score of 90 is given. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Wall width [14.3%]
If the wall width is exactly the same as the critical element, the score is 100. If the width is within 20%, a score of 90 is given. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Wall height [14.3%]
If the wall height is exactly the same as the critical element, the score is 100. If the height is within 20%, a score of 90 is given. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Wall density [14.3%]
The score is defined as 100 minus the relative difference between the wall density and the density of the critical element. The score can not be below 0.
Wall material [14.3%]
If the wall material is exactly the same as the critical element, the score is 100. If the material is the same, but the wall is modelled linearly, the score is 50. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Wall type (inner/outer wall) [14.3%]
If the wall type is the same as the critical element, the score is 100. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Wall layer (N0, N1, etc.) [14.3%]
If the wall layer is exactly the same as the critical element, the score is 100. Otherwise, the score is 0.
13.2. Out-Of-Plane failure mode
The following weights are given to relevant properties of the walls for the Out-Of-Plane failure mode:
Wall thickness [10.0%]
The score is defined as 100 minus the relative difference between the wall thickness and the thickness of the critical element. The score can not be below 0.
Wall width [10.0%]
The score is defined as 100 minus the relative difference between the wall width and the width of the critical element. The score can not be below 0.
Wall height [10.0%]
The score is defined as 100 minus the relative difference between the wall height and the height of the critical element. The score can not be below 0.
Wall density [10.0%]
The score is defined as 100 minus the relative difference between the wall density and the density of the critical element. The score can not be below 0.
Wall material [10.0%]
If the wall material is exactly the same as the critical element, the score is 100. If the material is the same, but the wall is modelled linearly, the score is 50. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Wall type (inner/outer wall) [10.0%]
If the wall type is the same as the critical element, the score is 100. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Wall openings [10.0%]
If the amount of openings in the wall is the same as in the critical element, the score is 100. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Spanning direction adjacent floor [10.0%]
If any of the floors connecting to the wall has the same spanning direction as the critical element, the score is 100. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Spanning direction adjacent roof [10.0%]
If any of the roofs connecting to the wall has the same spanning direction as the critical element, the score is 100. Otherwise, the score is 0.
Overburden load [10.0%]
The score is defined as 100 minus the relative difference between the wall overburden load and the overburden load of the critical element. The score can not be below 0.