How to read 3D scan

In VIIA inspections often 3d scans are made of the building. These scans can be very useful for the structural engineer to understand the structure and to retrieve dimensions that were not recorded during the inspection. It will also help to define the connections between the building components. This how-to guide will describe the software that you can use to work with the 3d pointcloud.

In this guide two different programs are described that can be used to open 3D scan files. These are Z+FlaserControl and Autodesk ReCap. Which software is suitable in each case depends on the type of the available 3D scan files.

In the following sections there is information about the types of 3D scan files, the structure of the folders generally available on BOX, where they are saved, as well as some instructions about the use of Z+FlaserControl and Autodesk ReCap.


The folder structure with files containing the viewpoints from the 3D scan are shown in Figure 5. The start.bat file contains the instructions to start the software automatically. Always save the whole folder locally to your computer. Then, the 3D scan can be opened with the Z+FlaserControl software by double-clicking the start.bat file.


Figure 5 Content of folder that contains 3D scan files which can be opened with Z+FlaserControl

The window in Figure 5 pops-up. Select the first box only and allow access (Toegang toestaan). This would take you to the GUI start screen of Z+Flaser control, which is shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6 Allowing access to Z+Flaser control


Figure 7 (a): Start screen of Z+Flaser control, (b) list with groups of viewpoints

Clicking the button Manage Groups opens the window which is shown in Figure 7. Here you should see the viewpoints arranged in groups. Clicking on the respective eye can show/hide the viewpoints of each group on the plan view (top right window in Figure 8).


Figure 8 Plan view and 3D-, 360o view from a viewpoint in Z+FlaserControl

Every bullet (shown in the colour green) on the plan view (top right window in Figure 8) is a viewpoint. Double-clickingon a bullet opens the 360o view (bottom right window in Figure 8). All the views can be maximized or minimised by clicking in the buttons shown within the red boxes (in Figure 8). The 360o viewpoint can close by clicking the yellow box (in Figure 8). Keep in mind that opening too many 360o views at the same time will significantly slow down the viewer.

It is possible to measure distances within the 360o view in the Z+Flaser control. The measurements appear both on the 360o and the 3D view. Measuring distances can be done in three ways:

  1. Measure option (button 1 shown in red in Figure 8): the distance between two points is calculated. This distance measuring tool can recognize planes. It is appropriate especially for measuring distances across surfaces.

  2. Width and height measurement option (button 2 shown in green in Figure 8): The measurement is aligned with the horizontal or vertical axis and is suitable for measuring the height or width of a room (distance between floors or walls, measurements of openings etc).

  3. Measure distance from point to plane option (button 3 shown in blue in Figure 8): This tool can be used to measure the distance between a point and a sloped surface, like a roof.

A live demonstration of Z+FlaserControl can be found at the recording of the VIIA knowledge sharing meeting in 16/6/2021 (51st minute till the end of the recording). This is the LINK to the recording.

Autodesk ReCap

Other 3D scans are saved in .rcp files. Such files can be opened with Autodesk ReCap. The installation of the software can be requested through the ICT order portal.

The .rcp file along with other files are commonly saved in a compressed folder. The folder can be located in one of the subfolders within folder 01 Bureaustudie or 02 Opname on BOX. It depends whether the inspection was done by a third party or VIIA, respectively. You should save a copy of the compressed folder locally to your computer and then extract the content.

Double-clicking the .rcp file, the 3D scan opens in Autodesk ReCap. A screenshot of the GUI start screen is shown in Figure 9. The 3D view of the object appears in the start screen.


Figure 9 Start screen of Autodesk ReCap.


When working at the office and using the monitor as your main screen, it is possible that you encounter a graphics related issue that prevents launching Autodesk ReCap. In this case specify your laptop screen as your main screen and restart the software.

Clicking on the project navigator (indicated within the red box in the bottom east corner of the start screen shown in Figure 9), all the scan locations (viewpoints) appear in a list (see Figure 10). It is possible to zoom in on each scan location as well as to hide/show them.


Figure 10 Start screen of Autodesk ReCap with the project navigator extended.

Clicking on the RealView button (indicated within the green box in the bottom edge of the start screen shown in Figure 9) the 360o view from a scan location opens (see Figure 11). A minimised window with a plan view of the object is present on the top right corner of the screen.


Figure 11 360o view from a scan location and minimized plan view.

It is possible to maximize the plan view by clicking the expand view button, which is indicated within the yellow box in Figure 11. The maximized plan view is shown in Figure 8. The black bullets are the scan locations. Clicking on each scan location the relevant 360o view can be viewed. The window with the 360o view can be maximised again by clicking the expand view button, which is indicated within the yellow box in Figure 12. Changing the scan location and, hence, the 360o view can also be done by opening the project navigator (indicated within the purple box in the bottom east corner of Figure 11) and selecting one scan location from the list. It is possible to change the viewing angle from the scan location by moving the mouse while keeping the right button or the scroll wheel pressed. The viewing angle is updated in the plan view.


Figure 12 Plan view and minimized 360o view from a scan location.

Distances can be measured in this case as well. By clicking on the left button on the bottom edge of the screen (indicated within the red box in Figure 11), you can choose to measure a distance or add a note to a point. The distance tool can be used to create freehand or orthogonal measurements along the global axes. Additionally, the tool recognizes planes. The measurements are visible in the 360o view as well as the 3D view.

To return to the 3D view you can click on the right button on the bottom edge (indicated within the green box in Figure 11). By zooming out, the whole object becomes visible again in the 3D view.

An Autodesk ReCap demo video is available in the LINK.