Source code for viiapackage.strengthening.l2.l2_029

### ===================================================================================================================
###   L2-029 strengthening measure
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2024

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###   1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional

# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
from viiapackage.strengthening.helper_functions import viia_check_measure_in_gmc
    from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
from rhdhv_fem.groups import Layer
from rhdhv_fem.shape_geometries import Node, Line, Polyline
from rhdhv_fem.shapes import Beam, Column
from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_greater

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###   2. Function to create L2-053 strengthening measure
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[docs]def viia_l2_029( project: ViiaProject, line_object: Union[Column, Beam] = None, name: Optional[Union[str, Layer]] = None, points: List[List[Union[float], Node]] = None, variant: int = 1) -> Beam: """ This function creates an L2-029 measure. It can create an truss between two given points, or make an existing beam/column into a truss. Input: - project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables. - line_object (obj): Beam or column that will be changed into a truss. - name (str or Layer): Optional argument to provide name of the layer as a string, or the Layer object itself, to which the newly created truss should be added. If not given, it is extracted from the connected shape(s). - points (list of (nodes or list of floats)): The start and end point of the beam shape. A point is defined by a list of 3 floats. Instead of a list of coordinates, the user can alo provide the node. - variant (int): The variant number of the measure that is in the GMC. Output: - The strengthening measure is added between two given points, or the already created beam/column is converted into a L2-029 truss. - Returns the line_object after converting it into a truss and adding metadata; or a new truss based on the points provided. For example: - To make a new L2-029 truss between two points, the following input can be used: project.viia_l2_029(name='name of layer, e.g. N0', points=[[5., 0., 3.5], [5., 2., 4.]]) - To make an existing beam/column into an L2-029 truss, the following input can be used: project.viia_l2_053(line_object='name_of_beam') """ measure_name = 'L2-029' # Check if measure is in GMC measure_sub_type = f"{measure_name}-{int(variant)}" viia_check_measure_in_gmc(project=project, measure_sub_type=measure_sub_type) if line_object is not None: if points: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: viia_l2_029 only accepts an existing beam/column or points to create a new {measure_sub_type} " f"truss. Not both.") project.write_log(f"Start applying {measure_sub_type} measure to {}.") project.write_log( f"WARNING: Please make sure that the location of application of {measure_sub_type} measure is correct in " f"the DIANA model.") wrong_material = False wrong_geometry = False if 'LIN-STAAL' not in wrong_material = True if not in ['STAAF-O1227.0', 'BALK-L80x80x8', 'KOLOM-L80x80x8']: wrong_geometry = True if wrong_material and wrong_geometry: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: The material and geometry of {} should be 'LIN-STAAL' and 'L80x80x8'" f"respectively.") elif wrong_material: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: The material of {} should be 'LIN-STAAL'.") elif wrong_geometry: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: The geometry of {} should be 'L80x80x8'.") if 'STAAF' not in project.viia_truss(line_object=line_object) # Add meta-data to the truss line_object.add_meta_data( {'strengthening': measure_sub_type}) return line_object project.write_log(f"Start applying {measure_sub_type} measure.") if not points: raise ValueError("ERROR: When no line_object is given, the points should be given.") if not name: # Check for points if they are Node objects or a list of coordinates is_list_or_node = True if isinstance(points[0], Node): point1 = points[0].coordinates elif isinstance(points, list): point1 = points[0] else: is_list_or_node = False if isinstance(points[1], Node): point2 = points[1].coordinates elif isinstance(points, list): point2 = points[1] else: is_list_or_node = False if not is_list_or_node: raise ValueError( "ERROR: viia_l2_029 only accepts a list of coordinates or node objects as input for 'points'") # Check which point is higher if fem_greater(point1[2], point2[2]): higher_point = point1 lower_point = point2 else: higher_point = point2 lower_point = point1 # Create a list of layers of connected objects to both the nodes layers_higher_node_unfiltered = [] layers_lower_node_unfiltered = [] for project_shape in project.collections.shapes: if isinstance(project_shape.contour, Polyline) and project_shape.is_point_in_shape(higher_point): layers_higher_node_unfiltered.append( elif isinstance(project_shape.contour, Line) and project_shape.contour.is_point_on_line(higher_point): layers_higher_node_unfiltered.append( if isinstance(project_shape.contour, Polyline) and project_shape.is_point_in_shape(lower_point): layers_lower_node_unfiltered.append( elif isinstance(project_shape.contour, Line) and project_shape.contour.is_point_on_line(lower_point): layers_lower_node_unfiltered.append( if not layers_higher_node_unfiltered and not layers_lower_node_unfiltered: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: The points for the {measure_sub_type} truss are not connected to any shape. Please check.") elif not layers_higher_node_unfiltered: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: The point {higher_point} for the {measure_sub_type} truss is not connected to any shape. " f"Please check.") elif not layers_lower_node_unfiltered: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: The point {lower_point} for the {measure_sub_type} truss is not connected to any shape. Please" f" check.") # Remove duplicate items from the layers lists layers_higher_node = list(set(layers_higher_node_unfiltered)) layers_lower_node = list(set(layers_lower_node_unfiltered)) # Decide the layer of L2-029 truss based on the layers of connected objects layer_list = project.viia_get_layers(names=True) layer_lower_node = None for _layer in layer_list: if _layer in layers_higher_node: name = _layer break for _layer in reversed(layer_list): if _layer in layers_lower_node: layer_lower_node = _layer break if layer_lower_node is None: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: There was an issue to find the applicable layer for the measure {measure_sub_type}. Please " f"check.") if layer_list.index(layer_lower_node) > layer_list.index(name): project.write_log( f"WARNING: Please check the layers of your shapes in the model. Providing incorrect layers may impact " f"phasing during A10/A12") project.write_log( f"WARNING: Please make sure that the location of application of {measure_sub_type} measure is correct in the " f"DIANA model") # Create beam and convert it into a truss l2_029_beam = project.viia_create_beam(name=name, material='LIN-STAAL', geometry='L80x80x8', points=points) project.viia_truss(line_object=l2_029_beam) # Add meta-data to the truss l2_029_beam.add_meta_data( {'strengthening': measure_sub_type}) return l2_029_beam
### =================================================================================================================== ### 3. End of script ### ===================================================================================================================