Source code for viiapackage.results.results_a4

### ===================================================================================================================
###   A4 Analysis LTH result handling
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2024

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###   1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from import View

# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
    from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
from import viia_create_result_pictures_nlth
from viiapackage.results.results_load_model import viia_results_load_model

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###   2. Function to handle results for A4 analysis
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[docs]def viia_results_a4( project: ViiaProject, signal: str, convergence_graphs: bool = True, wall_displacement_graphs: bool = True, result_pictures: bool = True, load_model: bool = True, view: Optional[View] = None): """ Combination of functions to be performed on output of A4 linear time history analysis. Includes: - Graph of convergence. - Graphs of relative out-of-plane wall displacements. - Result pictures for A4 analysis. Input: - project (obj): Project object containing collections and of fem objects and project variables. - signal (str): Signal to consider. Can be S1-S11. - convergence_graphs (bool): Toggle to generate convergence graphs. Default value is True. - wall_displacement_graphs (bool): Toggle to generate wall displacement graphs. Default value is True. - result_pictures (bool): Toggle to generate result pictures. Default value is True. - load_model (bool): Select to reload the model. Default value is True, but when directly creating analysis and running, it needs to be switched off. - view (obj): View that should be used for the pictures. When None the default view will be used. Default is None. Output: - Result items of A4 analysis are created. """ # Checking for version number if project.version != 1: raise ValueError("ERROR: The A4 analysis is to be applied only on non-strengthened models.") # Check if model needs to be loaded if load_model: # Load the model viia_results_load_model(project=project, analysis_nr='A4', signal=signal) # Collect the analysis analysis = project.viia_get(collection='analyses', name='A4 - Lineair seismische analyse met fixed base') if analysis is None: raise ValueError("ERROR: The analysis object for A4 analysis could not be found.") # Plot convergence graphs if requested if convergence_graphs: out_file = project.viia_get_file(path=project.current_analysis_folder, suffix='.out') if out_file: project.viia_convergence_graph(file=out_file, signal=signal, analysis=analysis, show=False) else: project.write_log("WARNING: No convergence graph is created because no out-file has been found.") # Create graph of wall displacements if wall_displacement_graphs: output_2 = project.viia_get_file(path=project.current_analysis_folder, in_name='_OUTPUT_2', suffix='.tb') if output_2: project.viia_wall_displacements(wall_oop_tbfile=output_2, signal=signal, analysis=analysis) else: project.write_log("WARNING: OUTPUT_2 not found. Wall displacement plot cannot be created.") # Collect the pile reactions if project.pile_foundation_present(): output_5b = project.viia_get_file(path=project.current_analysis_folder, in_name='OUTPUT_5B', suffix='.tb') if output_5b: project.viia_collect_pile_reactions(pile_output_file=output_5b, analysis=analysis, signal=signal) else: project.write_log("WARNING: OUTPUT_5B not found. Pile force plots cannot be created.") # Result pictures for A4 if result_pictures: viia_create_result_pictures_nlth(project=project, analysis=analysis, view=view)
### =================================================================================================================== ### 3. End of script ### ===================================================================================================================