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### Function to read the out-file for linear static analysis
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2025
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### 1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Dict
# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_compare_values
from rhdhv_fem.analyses.analysis_log import StaticAnalysisLog
# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
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### 2. Function to retrieve data required for VIIA from out-file linear static analysis
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[docs]def viia_read_diana_outfile_linear_static(
project: ViiaProject, out_file: Union[Path, str], load_combination_id: int = 1) -> Dict[str, float]:
Function calculates the center of mass based on the output file of a linear static calculation.
- project (obj): Project object containing collections and of fem objects and project variables.
- out_file (Path): File name and location as single string or path of the output file of a linear static
calculation. Alternative file location of the out-file can be provided as string.
- load_combination_id (str): Load-combination ID in DIANA software. Default value is 1.
- Notification on screen and in log of the position of the center of mass.
- Returns 3 floats: sum of vertical loads in [N], center of mass in x-direction [m] and center of mass in
y-direction [m].
# Collect the results from the outfile
analysis_logs = project.read_diana_outfile(file=out_file)
# Check the analysis logs collected
if len(analysis_logs) != 1 or not isinstance(analysis_logs[0], StaticAnalysisLog):
raise RuntimeError(
f"ERROR: Something went wrong while reading the out-file of the linear static analysis. In VIIA workflow "
f"it is expected that the out-file contains one static analysis-block. Please check: "
analysis_log = analysis_logs[0]
# Calculate the values
sum_vertical_loads = -float(analysis_log.load_sets[load_combination_id]['z'])
center_of_mass_x = 0
center_of_mass_y = 0
if not fem_compare_values(value1=sum_vertical_loads, value2=0, precision=project.check_precision):
center_of_mass_x = float(analysis_log.load_sets[load_combination_id]['ry']) / sum_vertical_loads
center_of_mass_y = -float(analysis_log.load_sets[load_combination_id]['rx']) / sum_vertical_loads
# Return the required results
return {
'sum_vertical_loads': sum_vertical_loads, 'center_of_mass_x': center_of_mass_x,
'center_of_mass_y': center_of_mass_y}
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### 3. End of script
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