Source code for viiapackage.results.result_functions.viia_connection_results

### ===================================================================================================================
###   Function to create an Excel file with an overview of the connections
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2021

### ===================================================================================================================
###   1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from warnings import warn
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union
from pathlib import Path

# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem
from rhdhv_fem.analyses import SteppedAnalysisReference
from import fem_get_historic_envelope_results

# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
    from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject

# Import module openpyxl for excel output of function
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.worksheet.table import Table, TableStyleInfo

### ===================================================================================================================
###   2. Function viia_interface_extreme_results
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[docs]def viia_historic_extreme_envelope_interface_results(project: ViiaProject): """ Function to retrieve the historic extreme envelope results for point and line interfaces Input: - project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables. Output: - Four dictionaries with the extreme results for stress and relative displacement for point and line interfaces """ # Find output items strain_output_items = [None, None, None] for output_item in project.collections.strain_models: if output_item.output_type == 'total' and \ output_item.theoretical_formulation == 'relative displacement' and \ output_item.operation == 'local': if output_item.component == 'x': strain_output_items[0] = output_item elif output_item.component == 'y': strain_output_items[1] = output_item elif output_item.component == 'z': strain_output_items[2] = output_item if None in strain_output_items: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: Not all right strain_output_items are present in the python memory. " f"Found are {strain_output_items}.") stress_output_items = [None, None, None] for output_item in project.collections.stress_models: if output_item.output_type == 'total' and \ output_item.theoretical_formulation == 'traction' and \ output_item.operation == 'local': if output_item.component == 'x': stress_output_items[0] = output_item elif output_item.component == 'y': stress_output_items[1] = output_item elif output_item.component == 'z': stress_output_items[2] = output_item if None in stress_output_items: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: Not all right stress_output_items are present in the python memory. " f"Found are {stress_output_items}.") # Find analysis references analysis_references = project.collections.interfaces[0].results.get_analysis_references( output_item=strain_output_items[0]) min_analysis_reference, max_analysis_reference, max_step = None, None, 0 for analysis_reference in analysis_references: if isinstance(analysis_reference, SteppedAnalysisReference): if analysis_reference.step_nr >= max_step: max_step = analysis_reference.step_nr if analysis_reference.historic_envelope == 'minimum': min_analysis_reference = analysis_reference elif analysis_reference.historic_envelope == 'maximum': max_analysis_reference = analysis_reference if min_analysis_reference is None: raise LookupError("ERROR: Analysis reference for minimal extremes is not found.") if max_analysis_reference is None: raise LookupError("ERROR: Analysis reference for maximal extremes is not found.") point_interfaces, line_interfaces, surface_interfaces = [], [], [] for interface in project.collections.interfaces: if interface.connection_type == 'point-point': point_interfaces.append(interface) elif interface.connection_type == 'line-line': line_interfaces.append(interface) elif interface.connection_type == 'surface-surface': surface_interfaces.append(interface) else: raise TypeError(f"ERROR: Unknown type of interface {interface}.") if surface_interfaces: warn("WARNING: Surfaces interfaces are not considered when retrieving the extreme results") line_stress = fem_get_historic_envelope_results( items=line_interfaces, output_items=stress_output_items, min_analysis_reference=min_analysis_reference, max_analysis_reference=max_analysis_reference) line_strain = fem_get_historic_envelope_results( items=line_interfaces, output_items=strain_output_items, min_analysis_reference=min_analysis_reference, max_analysis_reference=max_analysis_reference) point_strain = fem_get_historic_envelope_results( items=point_interfaces, output_items=strain_output_items, min_analysis_reference=min_analysis_reference, max_analysis_reference=max_analysis_reference) point_stress = fem_get_historic_envelope_results( items=point_interfaces, output_items=stress_output_items, min_analysis_reference=min_analysis_reference, max_analysis_reference=max_analysis_reference) return point_stress, point_strain, line_stress, line_strain
### =================================================================================================================== ### 3. Function to create overview Excel file of the connections ### ===================================================================================================================
[docs]def viia_create_connection_overview_xls(project: ViiaProject, xls_location: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: """ Function to create an Excel file with information about the connections. Input: - project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables. - xls_location (str or obj): Folder location where the Excel file should be made. Could be given as string or Path object. Output: - An Excel file will be created at the give location with all the information about the connections. """ if isinstance(xls_location, str): xls_location = Path(xls_location) if not xls_location.is_dir(): raise ValueError( f"ERROR: The given xls_location is not an existing folder. Please check the input location " f"{xls_location.as_posix()}.") xls_location = xls_location / 'connection_overview.xlsx' # Get extreme results for interfaces point_stress, point_strain, line_stress, line_strain = \ viia_historic_extreme_envelope_interface_results(project=project) # Make printable lists for interfaces new_lists = [None, None, None, None] for i, _dicts in enumerate([point_stress, point_strain, line_stress, line_strain]): new_list = [] for interface, value in _dicts.items(): for output_item, value_2 in value.items(): output_item_name = f'{output_item.get_diana_abbreviation(item=interface)} in [{output_item.unit}]' new_list.append([, output_item_name, value_2['minimum'], value_2['maximum'], interface.connecting_shapes['source_connecting_shape'].name, interface.connecting_shapes['target_connecting_shape'].name]) new_lists[i] = new_list.copy() interface_specifics = { 'point_interface_stress': new_lists[0], 'point_interface_rel_disp': new_lists[1], 'line_interface_stress': new_lists[2], 'line_interface_rel_disp': new_lists[3]} interface_header = ['Interface', 'Output item', 'Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Source', 'Target'] # Initialise workbook wb = Workbook() # Remove default sheet wb.remove(worksheet=wb['Sheet']) # Add a default style with striped rows and banded columns style = TableStyleInfo( name="TableStyleMedium1", showFirstColumn=False, showLastColumn=False, showRowStripes=True, showColumnStripes=False) # Add interface info to xls for key, value in interface_specifics.items(): # Create new worksheet for interfaces ws = wb.create_sheet(title=key) # Add headers for interface ws.append(interface_header) # Add results to worksheet for row in value: ws.append(row) # Set range as table to make the results searchable tab = Table(displayName=key, ref=f"A1:F{len(value) + 1}") # # Set the table style tab.tableStyleInfo = style # Add table to the worksheet ws.add_table(tab) for row, width in {'A': 35, 'B': 15, 'C': 15, 'D': 15, 'E': 65, 'F': 65}.items(): ws.column_dimensions[row].width = width # Get all hinges point_hinges = [] line_hinges = [] other_hinges = [] for hinge in project.collections.hinges: if hinge.connection_type == 'point-point': point_hinges.append(hinge) elif hinge.connection_type == 'line-line': line_hinges.append(hinge) else: other_hinges.append(hinge) # Get processed connections processed_connections = point_hinges + line_hinges + other_hinges for interfaces in [point_stress, point_strain, line_stress, line_strain]: processed_connections.extend(interfaces.keys()) # Get all other connections other_connections = [] for connection in project.collections.connections: if connection not in processed_connections: other_connections.append(connection) if other_connections: other_connections = sorted(other_connections, key=lambda x: x.__class__.__name__) connections_specifics = { 'point_hinges': point_hinges, 'line_hinges': line_hinges, 'other_hinges': other_hinges, 'other_connections': other_connections} connection_headers = ['Connection', 'Type', 'Connection type', 'Source', 'Target'] for key, value in connections_specifics.items(): if not value: project.write_log( message=f"{key} are not found during executing {viia_create_connection_overview_xls.__name__}, for " f"these connection not worksheet will be made in the xlsx file.", print_message=False) continue # Create new worksheet for connections ws = wb.create_sheet(title=key) # Add headers for interface ws.append(connection_headers) # Add results to worksheet for connection in value: _row = [, connection.__class__.__name__, connection.connection_type, connection.connecting_shapes['source_connecting_shape'].name, connection.connecting_shapes['target_connecting_shape'].name] ws.append(_row) # Set range as table to make the results searchable tab = Table(displayName=key, ref=f"A1:E{len(value) + 1}") # # Set the table style tab.tableStyleInfo = style # Add table to the worksheet ws.add_table(tab) # Adjust columns for row, width in {'A': 35, 'B': 15, 'C': 15, 'D': 65, 'E': 65}.items(): ws.column_dimensions[row].width = width if not xls_location.is_file(): raise FileExistsError( f"ERROR: An Excel file with an overview of the connections is not created. Please report the issue.") project.write_log( f"An Excel file with an overview of the connections is created. The file location is {xls_location}.") return xls_location
### =================================================================================================================== ### 4. End of script ### ===================================================================================================================