Source code for viiapackage.results.geo_output.helper_functions

### ===================================================================================================================
###   Helper functions for geo-output handling
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2024

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###   1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
import json

# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from rhdhv_fem.shape_geometries import Polyline
from rhdhv_fem.shapes import Lines, LineMass, Fstrip
from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_greater, fem_smaller

# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
    from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject

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###    2. Helper functions for Geo Output NLTH
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[docs]def _calculate_forces_per_timestep_fstrip(dat_file, fstrip_itf, time_step_numbers, time_step, result_dict): """ Function for creating forces for a mapped fstrip per time step.""" Force_data = namedtuple('Force_data', ['base_shear_x', 'base_shear_y', 'base_shear_z', 'timestep']) # Find all elements for the fstrips by element set fstrip_eqv_elems = dat_file.elementsets[fstrip_itf]['elements'] # Base shear forces base_shear_x = 0 base_shear_y = 0 base_shear_z = 0 # Calculating the total forces in x, y, z per strip for element in fstrip_eqv_elems: element_intpnt_nr = len((result_dict[str(element)])) element_area = dat_file.elements[element]['area'] # Get the result for the base shear in all three directions across all integration points base_shear_x_force = (sum( [i['STSx'][time_step] for i in result_dict[str(element)].values()]) / element_intpnt_nr) * element_area base_shear_y_force = (sum( [i['STSy'][time_step] for i in result_dict[str(element)].values()]) / element_intpnt_nr) * element_area base_shear_z_force = (sum( [i['STNz'][time_step] for i in result_dict[str(element)].values()]) / element_intpnt_nr) * element_area base_shear_x += base_shear_x_force base_shear_y += base_shear_y_force base_shear_z += base_shear_z_force # The force data containing the forces for every time step number is returned. Here the time steps would # start from 1 return Force_data( base_shear_x=base_shear_x, base_shear_y=base_shear_y, base_shear_z=base_shear_z, timestep=time_step_numbers[time_step - (time_step_numbers[0] - 1)] - (time_step_numbers[0] - 1)), \ fstrip_eqv_elems
[docs]def _calculate_forces_per_timestep_piles(pile, time_step_numbers, time_step, result_dict): """ Function for creating forces for piles per time step.""" Force_data = namedtuple('Force_data', ['base_shear_x', 'base_shear_y', 'base_shear_z', 'timestep']) # Saving the forces per pile if pile.pile_node in list(result_dict.keys()): base_shear_x = result_dict[pile.pile_node]['FNTX'][time_step] base_shear_y = result_dict[pile.pile_node]['FNTY'][time_step] base_shear_z = result_dict[pile.pile_node]['FNTZ'][time_step] else: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: The results for the pile node {pile.pile_node} are not available. Please check your output.") # The force data containing the forces for every time step number is returned. Here the time steps would # start from 1 return Force_data( base_shear_x=base_shear_x, base_shear_y=base_shear_y, base_shear_z=base_shear_z, timestep=time_step_numbers[time_step - (time_step_numbers[0] - 1)] - (time_step_numbers[0] - 1))
[docs]def _get_fstrip_width(p1: List[float], p2: List[float], p3: List[float], p4: List[float]) -> float: """ Input: - p1 (list of 3 float): The coordinate of corner point that defines the quadrilateral. - p2 (list of 3 float): The coordinate of corner point that defines the quadrilateral. - p3 (list of 3 float): The coordinate of corner point that defines the quadrilateral. - p4 (list of 3 float): The coordinate of corner point that defines the quadrilateral. Output: - Returns the width of the fstrips, in [m]. """ # Group randomly until it finds the parallel lines import math candi = [p2, p3, p4] for pt in candi: # First group grp_1 = [p1, pt] grp_2 = [x for x in candi if x is not pt] # If the slope is inf if (grp_1[0][0] - grp_1[1][0]) == 0 and (grp_2[0][0] - grp_2[1][0]) == 0: return math.fabs(grp_1[0][0] - grp_2[0][0]) elif (grp_1[0][0] - grp_1[1][0]) == 0 and (grp_2[0][0] - grp_2[1][0]) != 0: continue elif (grp_1[0][0] - grp_1[1][0]) != 0 and (grp_2[0][0] - grp_2[1][0]) == 0: continue else: slope_1 = (grp_1[0][1] - grp_1[1][1]) / (grp_1[0][0] - grp_1[1][0]) slope_2 = (grp_2[0][1] - grp_2[1][1]) / (grp_2[0][0] - grp_2[1][0]) if round(slope_1, 2) == round(slope_2, 2): break else: raise ValueError("ERROR: Parallel lines cannot be found, width cannot be calculated.") m = slope_1 x1, y1 = grp_1[0][0], grp_1[0][1] x2, y2 = grp_2[0][0], grp_2[0][1] d = math.fabs(y1 - y2 - m * x1 + m * x2) / math.sqrt(m ** 2 + 1) return d
def _get_corner_nodes(shape: Fstrip): # All shape lines shape_lines = shape.contour.get_lines() conner_nodes = [] for node in shape.contour.get_nodes(): node_conn_lines = node.get_lines() # Get the intersection line node_lines = [line for line in node_conn_lines if line in shape_lines] if len(node_lines) != 2: raise ValueError(f"ERROR: The {node} has more than two lines connected at the contour, please check it.") # If the left/right lines around the nodes have a different orientation, then the node is in corner dir_1 = node_lines[0].get_direction().vector dir_2 = node_lines[1].get_direction().vector from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_compare_coordinates, fem_flip_vector if not (fem_compare_coordinates(dir_1, dir_2) or fem_compare_coordinates(dir_1, fem_flip_vector(dir_2))): conner_nodes.append(node.coordinates) if len(conner_nodes) != 4: shape.project.write_log(f"WARNING: There are more than 4 nodes for {shape}, please check, procedure continues.") return conner_nodes
[docs]def viia_append_envelope_requests_geo_abaqus( project: ViiaProject, json_path: Path, pile_displacement_requets: bool = False): """ Appends json file that is an input for abaqus envelope script with the data about the section forces of the foundation strips. Input: - project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables. - json_path (Path): Path object of the json to be appended location. """ from rhdhv_fem.abaqus_utils.helper_functions.adjust_detailing import _adjust_detailing_for_abaqus # Do not run adjust detailing in testing mode as it is time-consuming and is not required to test this function if not project.rhdhvABQ.test_mode: _adjust_detailing_for_abaqus(project) force_output_request = { 'directions': [1, 2, 3], 'items': []} for fstrip in project.collections.fstrips: element_set_names = [] coordinates = [] if isinstance(fstrip.contour, Polyline): connecting_shapes = fstrip.get_connecting_shapes() coordinates = [] for shape in connecting_shapes: if isinstance(shape, LineMass): continue if shape in project.collections.fstrips: continue lines = shape.get_connecting_lines(shape=fstrip, include_openings=False) if lines: instance, _set = project.rhdhvABQ.get_part_set_name(shape) element_set_names.append(f"{instance}.{_set}") coordinates.append([]) # Sort lines for stable tests lines.sort(key=lambda x: for line in lines: coordinates[-1].append([line.node_start.coordinates, line.node_end.coordinates]) else: if isinstance(shape, Lines): points = shape.get_connecting_nodes(shape=fstrip, include_openings=False) instance, _set = project.rhdhvABQ.get_part_set_name(shape) if len(points) == 1: coordinates.append([[points[0].coordinates]]) element_set_names.append(f"{instance}.{_set}") else: continue location = { 'rhdhv_fem': { 'shape_name':, 'geometry_name:':}, 'abaqus': { 'element_set_name': element_set_names, 'geometry_coordinates': coordinates}} force_output_request['items'].append(location) displacement_output_request = { 'directions': [1, 2, 3], 'items': []} for pile in project.collections.piles: instance, _set = project.rhdhvABQ.get_part_set_name(pile) nodes = pile.get_nodes() top_node = None bottom_node = None if fem_greater(nodes[0].coordinates[2], nodes[-1].coordinates[2]): top_node = nodes[0] bottom_node = nodes[-1] elif fem_smaller(nodes[0].coordinates[2], nodes[-1].coordinates[2]): top_node = nodes[-1] bottom_node = nodes[0] location_force = { 'rhdhv_fem': { 'shape_name':, 'geometry_name:':}, 'abaqus': { 'element_set_name': [f'{instance}.{_set}'], 'geometry_coordinates': [[[bottom_node.coordinates]]]}} force_output_request['items'].append(location_force) if pile_displacement_requets: location_displacement = { 'rhdhv_fem': { 'shape_name':, 'geometry_name:':}, 'abaqus': { 'element_set_name': [f'{instance}.{_set}'], 'geometry_coordinates': [[[top_node.coordinates, bottom_node.coordinates]]]}} displacement_output_request['items'].append(location_displacement) with open(json_path, 'r') as f: j = json.load(f) with open(json_path, 'w') as f: j['section_force_requests'] = force_output_request if pile_displacement_requets: j['displacement_requests'] = displacement_output_request json.dump(j, f, indent=4)
### =================================================================================================================== ### 3. End of Script ### ===================================================================================================================