Source code for viiapackage.reporting.helper_functions.viia_get_address_info

### ===================================================================================================================
###   FUNCTION: Get address data for object
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2024

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###   1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Tuple
import re

# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
    from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject

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###   2. Helper functions for address info
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def _sorting_house_numbers(s):
    num, letters = re.match(r'(\d*)(.*)', s).groups()
    return float(num or 'inf'), letters

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###   3. Function to collect the information for the report on addresses of the object
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[docs]def viia_get_address_info( project: ViiaProject, myviia_data_object_address: dict) -> Tuple[str, List[str], List[int], str, str]: """ This function will generate the information about the addresses in the object that needs to be collected for the reporting in a specific order. Data about the object addresses is to be retrieved from MYVIIA. Input - project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables. - myviia_data_object_address (dict): Dictionary with data on the object addresses from MYVIIA. Output - Returns a tuple with five variables, in the following order. - String with contraction of all the addresses of the object, according specific rules on how to combine different addresses (if required to combine), as string. - List with the full address added separately, but ordered according requirements, as list of strings. - List of the dossier numbers of NCG from MYVIIA, as list of integers. - Zip-code for all the addresses, as string. If multiple a warning is thrown and the first one is used. - Name of the municipality for all the addresses, as string. If multiple a warning is thrown and the first one is used. """ dossier_nrs = [] addresses = {} postcode_cities = {} # Re-arrange the data per street name and per city name for address in myviia_data_object_address: if address['dossiernummer_og']: if '/' in address['dossiernummer_og']: dossier_nrs.append(int(address['dossiernummer_og'].split('/')[-1].replace(' ', ''))) else: dossier_nrs.append(int(address['dossiernummer_og'])) if address['straatnaam'] not in addresses.keys(): addresses.update({address['straatnaam']: { 'plaatsnaam': address['plaatsnaam'], 'postcode': address['postcode'], 'nrs': []}}) addresses[address['straatnaam']]['nrs'].append(address['huisnummer']) if address['plaatsnaam'] not in postcode_cities.keys(): postcode_cities.update( {address['plaatsnaam']: {'postcode': []}}) postcode_cities[address['plaatsnaam']]['postcode'].append(address['postcode']) # Compress the numbers for single line address address_strings = [] address_list = [] for street, street_data in addresses.items(): sorted_nrs = sorted(street_data['nrs'], key=_sorting_house_numbers) if len(sorted_nrs) > 1: address_strings.append(f'{street} {sorted_nrs[0]}-{sorted_nrs[-1]}') else: address_strings.append(f'{street} {sorted_nrs[0]}') for nr in sorted_nrs: address_list.append(f"{street} {nr}, {street_data['postcode']} {street_data['plaatsnaam']}") address_string = ', '.join(address_strings) municipality = None zip_code = None if len(postcode_cities) > 1: project.write_log( f"WARNING: The object contains addresses in multiple cities. Reporting function currently " f"cannot support this. Please fill in the addresses manually in the report.") else: for key, postcode_city in postcode_cities.items(): municipality = key zip_code = set(postcode_city['postcode']) # Combine postcodes if there are multiple if len(zip_code) > 1: zip_code = ', '.join(zip_code) project.write_log( f"WARNING: The object contains multiple postcodes. {zip_code} is used in the " f"report. Please check in the report.") else: zip_code = list(zip_code)[0] return address_string, address_list, dossier_nrs, zip_code, municipality
### =================================================================================================================== ### 4. End of script ### ===================================================================================================================