### ===================================================================================================================
### FUNCTION: Get wall displacements data from the analyses for reporting
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2025
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### 1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Dict, List, Union
import json
from pathlib import Path
# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_smaller
# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
from viiapackage.results.result_functions.viia_limits import viia_find_limits_NLTH
from viiapackage.general.file_handling import viia_to_filename
### ===================================================================================================================
### 2. Function viia_get_wall_displacements_data
### ===================================================================================================================
[docs]def viia_get_wall_displacements_data(
project: ViiaProject, result_folder: Optional[Path] = None,
wall_displacements_json_file: Optional[Path] = None) \
-> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, bool]]]]]]:
This function will generate a dictionary with data for the wall displacements in the requested analysis. The data
can later be used in the reporting. The data is ordered to generate a table with walls and per wall the in-plane and
out-of-plane displacements and limits. Also, the name of the picture with the governing wall displacements is
- project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables.
- result_folder (Path): Path for the NLTH result folder for which the wall displacements will be collected.
Default value None, only applicable if the json-file is provided directly.
- wall_displacements_json_file (Path): Json-file with the wall displacement results of the requested governing
- Returns a dictionary with the data of the wall displacements relevant for summary in reporting.
# Collect data about seismic analysis from result folder
no_wall_displacements = True
if isinstance(result_folder, Path):
wall_displacements_json_file = result_folder / 'wall_displacements.json'
if wall_displacements_json_file.exists():
no_wall_displacements = False
elif result_folder is None and wall_displacements_json_file is not None and wall_displacements_json_file.exists():
# Situation where the json-file is provided manually
no_wall_displacements = False
# Check if the data is present to continue
if no_wall_displacements:
# No data found for wall_displacement
if isinstance(result_folder, Path):
f"WARNING: The json-file with the wall displacement could not be found in {result_folder.as_posix()}. "
f"Results for the NLTH analysis from tb-file 'OUTPUT_2' are not added to the report. Make sure to "
f"handle the results prior to executing the reporting function.")
f"WARNING: No results for the governing NLTH analysis has been provided. The wall displacement results"
f"will be missing in the report.")
return {}
# Read json file
with open(wall_displacements_json_file) as fp:
wall_displacements_data = json.load(fp)
# Sort the list of walls based on ID and include the cavity walls
wall_list = [k for k in wall_displacements_data]
wall_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.split('-')[-1])
# Adding data to report_data dictionary results governing_analysis
walls_displacements_unsorted = []
ip_uc_checks = []
oop_uc_checks = []
for wall_name, wall_data in wall_displacements_data.items():
if wall_name == 'N1-WANDEN-LIN-HBV-PLATEN-0.018-0.038-0.12-0.6-18-38':
wall = project.viia_get('walls', wall_name)
limits = viia_find_limits_NLTH(project=project, shape=wall)
# Convert units from [m] to [mm] for reporting purposes
ip_limit = limits['In-plane'] * 1000
if 'Out-of-plane' not in limits:
oop_limit = 0.001
project.write_log(f"Incomplete wal-displacement json-file. No out-of-plane information present: {limits}.")
oop_limit = limits['Out-of-plane'] * 1000
# Get maximum in-plane displacement in [mm]
max_ip_positive = max(wall_data['interstorey_drift_parallel']) * 1000
min_ip_negative = min(wall_data['interstorey_drift_parallel']) * 1000
if abs(max_ip_positive) >= abs(min_ip_negative):
max_ip_displacement = abs(max_ip_positive)
max_ip_displacement = abs(min_ip_negative)
# In-plane unity checks
ip_failure = False
if not ip_limit:
ip_uc = 'UNKOWN'
ip_failure = True
ip_uc = max_ip_displacement / ip_limit
if not fem_smaller(ip_uc, 1):
ip_failure = True
ip_uc = format(ip_uc, '.1f')
# Get maximum out-of-plane displacement in [mm]
max_oop_positive = max(wall_data['interstorey_drift_perpendicular']) * 1000
min_oop_negative = min(wall_data['interstorey_drift_perpendicular']) * 1000
if abs(max_oop_positive) >= abs(min_oop_negative):
max_oop_displacement = abs(max_oop_positive)
max_oop_displacement = abs(min_oop_negative)
# Out-of-plane unity checks
oop_failure = False
oop_uc = max_oop_displacement / oop_limit
if not fem_smaller(oop_uc, 1):
oop_failure = True
# Write data
'name': wall.name,
'id': wall.name.split('-')[-1],
'height': format(wall_data['height'] * 1000, '.1f'),
'thickness': format(wall_data['thickness'] * 1000, '.1f'),
'width': format(wall_data['width'] * 1000, '.1f'),
'max_ip_displacements': format(max_ip_displacement, '.1f'),
'ip_limit': format(ip_limit, '.1f'),
'ip_uc': ip_uc,
'ip_failure': ip_failure,
'max_oop_displacements': format(max_oop_displacement, '.1f'),
'oop_limit': format(oop_limit, '.1f'),
'oop_uc': format(oop_uc, '.1f'),
'oop_failure': oop_failure})
# Adding governing IP and OOP walls displacement graphs
max_ip_uc_index = ip_uc_checks.index(max(ip_uc_checks))
max_oop_uc_index = oop_uc_checks.index(max(oop_uc_checks))
ip_governing_wall_name = \
oop_governing_wall_name = \
ip_governing_wall_image = \
oop_governing_wall_image = \
# Sort the list of walls_displacement_unsorted by id:
walls_displacements = sorted(walls_displacements_unsorted, key=lambda x: x['id'])
return {
'wall_results_info': {
'displacements_results': walls_displacements,
'ip_governing_wall': {'name': ip_governing_wall_name, 'image_file': ip_governing_wall_image},
'oop_governing_wall': {'name': oop_governing_wall_name, 'image_file': oop_governing_wall_image}}}
### ===================================================================================================================
### 3. End of script
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