### ===================================================================================================================
### Helper class for the current object
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2025
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### 1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_greater, fem_smaller
# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
from viiapackage.viiaSettings import ViiaSettings
### ===================================================================================================================
### 2. CLASS CurrentObject
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[docs]class CurrentObject:
""" Helper class for storing the data from user for the current object."""
[docs] def __init__(
self, cluster: str, cluster_main: str, construction_year: int, material_load_walls: str,
most_floor_height: float, most_thickness_load_walls: float, nr_levels: int, other_floors_material: str,
pga: float, consequence_class: str, typology: float, objectnumber_viia: str, objectpart: str):
- cluster (str): Cluster code for the current object, for example '4B'.
- cluster_main (str): Main cluster code for the current object, for example '4'.
- construction_year (int): Year of construction for the current object, for example 1999.
- material_load_walls (str): Provide the material of the load-bearing walls for which the current objects
are matched. Select from 'aerated concrete', 'concrete', 'clay masonry < 1945', 'clay masonry > 1945',
'calcium silicate > 1960', 'calcium silicate > 1985', 'HSB', 'modification wall' or 'timber'.
- most_floor_height (float): Most common height of the load-bearing walls for which the current objects
are matched, in [m]. This is the most common floor height (approx.) or in absence of a common height the
maximum wall height at the ground level. If we have 4 floors with heights: 3, 3.19, 3.2, 2.7m, the most
common floor height is 3.2m. If we have 4 floors with all different height: 3, 3.2, 3.5, 2.7, then the
most common floor height is the height of the ground floor.
- most_thickness_load_walls (float): Most common thickness of the load-bearing walls for which the current
objects are matched, in [m]. For PSSEs walls if existing. Usually, the thickness of masonry PSSE is
constant between floors but if not select the most common at the ground floor level.
- nr_levels (int): Number of levels excluding the basement level and including storage/living area attics. A
basement level is included if it covers all the footprint area of the object (excluding appendances) and
is modelled for the analysis. Small attic with non-structural ceiling (so no storage/living area) is not
considered as a level.
- other_floors_material (str): Provide only the most dominant material for the floor materials, other than
the ground floor, for which the current objects are matched. Select from 'concrete', 'masonry', 'timber'
or 'other (structural)'.
- pga (float): Value of the pga of the current object, in [g].
- consequence_class (str): Indicate the consequence class of the current object. E.g. 'CC1b' or 'CC2'.
- typology (str): Name of the cluster of the current object, according NCG naming, for example
- objectnumber_viia (str): Number of the current VIIA-object, used for reporting only.
- objectpart (str): Name of the current objectpart, used for reporting only.
self.cluster = cluster
self.cluster_main = cluster_main
self.construction_year = construction_year
self.material_load_walls = material_load_walls
self.most_floor_height = most_floor_height
self.most_thickness_load_walls = most_thickness_load_walls
self.nr_levels = nr_levels
self.other_floors_material = other_floors_material
self.pga = pga
self.consequence_class = consequence_class
self.typology = typology
self.objectnumber_viia = objectnumber_viia
self.objectpart = objectpart
def cluster(self):
return self.__cluster
def cluster(self, new_cluster: str):
if not isinstance(new_cluster, str):
raise TypeError("ERROR: The cluster of the current object should be provided as a string.")
if len(new_cluster) == 1 and not new_cluster.isnumeric():
raise TypeError("ERROR: The cluster of the current object should be provided starting with number.")
if len(new_cluster) > 1 and not new_cluster[:-1].isnumeric():
raise TypeError("ERROR: The cluster of the current object should be provided starting with number.")
self.__cluster = new_cluster
def construction_year(self):
return self.__construction_year
def construction_year(self, new_construction_year: int):
if not isinstance(new_construction_year, int):
raise TypeError("ERROR: The construction_year of the current object should be provided as an integer.")
if 1000 > new_construction_year > 2022:
raise TypeError("ERROR: The construction_year of the current object is expected between 1000 and 2022.")
self.__construction_year = new_construction_year
def material_load_walls(self):
return self.__material_load_walls
def material_load_walls(self, new_material_load_walls: str):
if not isinstance(new_material_load_walls, str):
raise TypeError(
"ERROR: The material for the load-bearing walls of the current object should be provided "
"as a string.")
if new_material_load_walls not in [
'aerated concrete', 'concrete', 'clay masonry < 1945', 'clay masonry > 1945',
'calcium silicate > 1960', 'calcium silicate > 1985', 'HSB', 'modification wall', 'timber',
'clay masonry']:
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: Input for the material of the load-bearing walls should be selected from 'aerated concrete', "
"'concrete', 'clay masonry < 1945', 'clay masonry > 1945', 'calcium silicate > 1960',"
"'calcium silicate > 1985', 'HSB', 'modification wall' or 'timber'. Provided was "
if 'clay masonry' in new_material_load_walls:
new_material_load_walls = 'clay masonry'
if 'HSB' in new_material_load_walls:
new_material_load_walls = 'timber'
self.__material_load_walls = new_material_load_walls
def most_floor_height(self):
return self.__most_floor_height
def most_floor_height(self, new_most_floor_height: float):
if not isinstance(new_most_floor_height, (float, int)):
raise TypeError(
"ERROR: The height of the walls of the current object should be provided as a float.")
if fem_smaller(new_most_floor_height, 0):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The height of the walls of the current object should be larger than zero.")
if fem_greater(new_most_floor_height, 20):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The height of the walls of the current object is expected to be smaller.")
self.__most_floor_height = new_most_floor_height
def most_thickness_load_walls(self):
return self.__most_thickness_load_walls
def most_thickness_load_walls(self, new_most_thickness_load_walls: float):
if not isinstance(new_most_thickness_load_walls, (float, int)):
raise TypeError(
"ERROR: The thickness of the walls of the current object should be provided as a float.")
if fem_smaller(new_most_thickness_load_walls, 0.05):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The thickness of the walls of the current object should be larger than 50mm.")
if fem_greater(new_most_thickness_load_walls, 1):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The thickness of the walls of the current object is expected to be less than 1000mm.")
self.__most_thickness_load_walls = new_most_thickness_load_walls
def nr_levels(self):
return self.__nr_levels
def nr_levels(self, new_nr_levels: int):
if not isinstance(new_nr_levels, int):
raise TypeError("ERROR: The number of storeys of the current object should be provided as an integer.")
if new_nr_levels <= 0:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The number of storeys of the current object should be larger than zero.")
if new_nr_levels >= 10:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The number of storeys of the current object is expected to be less than 10.")
self.__nr_levels = new_nr_levels
def other_floors_material(self):
return self.__other_floors_material
def other_floors_material(self, new_other_floors_material: str):
if not isinstance(new_other_floors_material, str):
raise TypeError(
"ERROR: The material for the floors of the current object should be provided as a string.")
if new_other_floors_material not in [
'concrete', 'masonry', 'timber', 'other (structural)']:
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: Input for the material of the floors should be selected from 'concrete', 'masonry', 'timber' "
f"or 'other (structural)'. Provided was {new_other_floors_material}.")
self.__other_floors_material = new_other_floors_material
def pga(self):
return self.__pga
def pga(self, new_pga: float):
if not isinstance(new_pga, (float, int)):
raise TypeError(
"ERROR: The pga of the current object should be provided as a float.")
if new_pga <= 0:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The pga of the current object should be larger than zero.")
if new_pga > 3:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The pga of the current object is expected to be smaller.")
self.__pga = new_pga
def consequence_class(self):
return self.__consequence_class
def consequence_class(self, new_consequence_class: str):
if not isinstance(new_consequence_class, str):
raise TypeError("ERROR: The consequence-class of the current object should be provided as a string.")
if new_consequence_class.upper() not in ViiaSettings.IMPORTANCE_FACTORS:
raise TypeError(
f"ERROR: The consequence-class of the current object should be selected from "
f"{', '.join(ViiaSettings.IMPORTANCE_FACTORS.keys())}.")
self.__consequence_class = new_consequence_class.upper()
def typology(self):
return self.__typology
def typology(self, new_typology: str):
if not isinstance(new_typology, str):
raise TypeError("ERROR: The typology of the current object should be provided as a string.")
self.__typology = new_typology
def importance_factor(self) -> float:
return ViiaSettings.IMPORTANCE_FACTORS[self.consequence_class]
def design_pga(self) -> float:
return self.importance_factor * self.pga
### ===================================================================================================================
### 3. Function to create the ReferenceObject instance
### ===================================================================================================================
[docs]def viia_current_object(
project: ViiaProject, material_load_walls: str, most_floor_height: float, most_thickness_load_walls: float,
nr_levels: int, other_floors_material: str) -> CurrentObject:
Function to create the instance for the current object. It collects the data required from the project instance
and the user input.
- project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables.
- material_load_walls (str): Provide the material of the load-bearing walls for which the current objects are
matched. Select from 'aerated concrete', 'concrete', 'clay masonry < 1945', 'clay masonry > 1945',
'calcium sillicate > 1960', 'calcium sillicate > 1985', 'HSB', 'modification wall' or 'timber'.
- most_floor_height (float): Most common height of the load-bearing walls for which the current objects are
matched, in [m]. This is the most common floor height (approx.) or in absence of a common height the maximum
wall height at the ground level. If we have 4 floors with heights: 3, 3.19, 3.2, 2.7m, the most common floor
height is 3.2m. If we have 4 floors with all different height: 3, 3.2, 3.5, 2.7, then the most common floor
height is the height of the ground floor.
- most_thickness_load_walls (float): Most common thickness of the load-bearing walls for which the current
objects are matched, in [mm]. For PSSEs walls if existing. Usually, the thickness of masonry PSSE is constant
between floors but if not select the most common at the ground floor level.
- nr_levels (int): Number of levels excluding the basement level and including storage/living area attics. A
basement level is included if it covers all the footprint area of the object (excluding appendances) and is
modelled for the analysis. Small attic with non-structural ceiling (so no storage/living area) is not
considered as a level.
- other_floors_material (str): Provide only the most dominant material for the floor materials, other than the
ground floor, for which the current objects are matched. Select from 'concrete', 'masonry', 'timber' or
'other (structural)'.
- Returns the created current object as instance of the ReferenceObject class. Validation of the input is
performed in the setters of the class.
construction_year = int(
project.project_information['oorspronkelijk_bouwjaar'].lower().replace('ca', '').replace('.', '').
replace(' ', '').replace('<', '').replace('>', ''))
# Convert to units for wall thickness to meter
most_thickness_load_walls = most_thickness_load_walls / 1E3
return CurrentObject(
### ===================================================================================================================
### 4. End of script
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