### ===================================================================================================================
### FUNCTION: Get shapes for the result picture
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2025
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### 1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Union, Dict
# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from rhdhv_fem.shapes import Shapes, Reinforcements
from rhdhv_fem.connections import Connections, Interface
from rhdhv_fem.materials import Timber, ReinforcementSteel
from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_parallel_vectors, fem_horizontal_vector_in_plane
# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
### ===================================================================================================================
### 2. Function to get the shapes for the result picture based on the scope
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[docs]def viia_update_plot_config(project: ViiaProject, current_config: dict, component: str):
""" Helper function to update the result plot config with the correct dnb file name."""
result_plot_config = deepcopy(current_config)
'component': component,
current_config['output_filename'].replace('SXXX', f'{project.name}_v{project.version}') + '.dnb',
'output_block_name': current_config['output_filename'].replace('SXXX_', '')})
return result_plot_config
[docs]def viia_get_scope_shape_sets(project: ViiaProject, scope: str, pic_type: str) \
-> Union[Dict[str, List[Shapes]], Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Union[Shapes, Connections]]]]]:
This function collects the required shape-sets for the result pictures based on the scope definition. For example
the 'NoRoof' scope will hide the roof shapes for the result pictures.
- project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables.
- scope (str): The scope that defines the selection of shapes to be visible on the result picture. Select from
'building', 'noroof', 'floors-interstorey', 'walls-storey', 'beams-material-storey',
'columns-material-storey', 'floors-material-storey', 'interfaces-storey', 'floors-timber-storey',
'roofs-timber' or 'reinforcements-storey'.
- Returns list of shapes, or dictionary with subdivisions for different sets of shapes or connections. In the
last case multiple pictures are to be generated based on scope.
def lines_material_storey(lines_layer: Dict[str, List[Shapes]]):
shapes = {}
for layer, lines in lines_layer.items():
shapes_material = {}
for line in lines:
line_mat = line.material.name.split('-DENSIT')[0]
if line_mat not in shapes_material:
shapes_material[line_mat] = []
shapes[layer] = shapes_material
return shapes
def surfaces_material_storey(surfaces_layer: Dict[str, List[Shapes]]):
shapes = {}
for layer, surfaces in surfaces_layer.items():
# Group shapes by material
shapes_material = {}
for surface in surfaces:
# For timber floor, make a distinction of plate or others, since plate has a higher capacity. Also
# separate the strengthened floors
if isinstance(surface.material, Timber) and surface.meta_data and 'strengthening' in surface.meta_data:
material_key = surface.meta_data['strengthening']
elif isinstance(surface.material, Timber) and 'PLATEN' in surface.material.name:
material_key = 'PLATEN'
elif isinstance(surface.material, Timber):
material_key = 'LIN-HOUT'
# Additional line for reinforcement
elif isinstance(surface.material, ReinforcementSteel):
material_key = 'WAPENING'
material_key = surface.material.name.split('-DENSIT')[0]
# Check if key already present in shapes[layer]. If not, make new key in shapes[layer]
if material_key not in shapes_material:
shapes_material[material_key] = []
# For loop to split shape sets by geometry if required
shapes_material_geometry = {}
for original_key, shape_set in shapes_material.items():
shape_geometries = set([shape.geometry.name for shape in shape_set])
# Check if only one shape geometry is present
if len(shape_geometries) == 1:
shapes_material_geometry[original_key] = shape_set
# Check if this shape set has timber shapes
if isinstance(shape_set[0].material, Timber):
shapes_material_geometry[original_key] = shape_set
# If multiple shape geometries, and no timber floors, split up shape set by geometry
# Make a unique key per shape geometry
for shape_geometry in shape_geometries:
material_geometry_key = original_key + '-' + shape_geometry
shapes_material_geometry[material_geometry_key] = []
# Add shape in original shape set to the right new key
for shape in shape_set:
shapes_material_geometry[original_key + '-' + shape.geometry.name].append(shape)
shapes[layer] = shapes_material_geometry
return shapes
# Check input
if not isinstance(scope, str):
raise ValueError("ERROR: Scope to select the shapes for the result picture should be a string.")
scope = scope.lower()
if scope == 'building':
# All shapes in the building
return {'building': [shape for shape in project.collections.shapes if not isinstance(shape, Reinforcements)]}
elif 'reinforcements-storey' in scope:
# All shapes and reinforcements in the building per layer
reinforcement_layer = {layer.name: layer.reinforcements for layer in project.viia_get_layers() if layer.name[0] == 'N'}
return surfaces_material_storey(surfaces_layer=reinforcement_layer)
elif 'noroof' in scope:
# All shapes excluding the roof shapes (instances of Roof class)
return {'no_roof': [
shape for shape in project.collections.shapes
if shape not in project.collections.roofs and not isinstance(shape, Reinforcements)]}
elif 'noroof' not in scope and 'mode' in scope:
# All shapes excluding the roof shapes (instances of Roof class)
return {scope: [shape for shape in project.collections.shapes if not isinstance(shape, Reinforcements)]}
elif 'floors-interstorey' in scope:
# Collect the floors per layer, excluding foundation and basements
return {layer.name: layer.floors for layer in project.viia_get_layers() if layer.name[0] == 'N'}
elif 'walls-storey' in scope and 'CrackWidth' in pic_type or 'Static' in pic_type:
# Collect the walls per layer, excluding foundation and basements
return {layer.name: layer.walls for layer in project.viia_get_layers() if layer.name[0] == 'N'}
elif 'walls-storey' in scope and 'Dynamic' in pic_type:
# Collect the walls per layer, excluding foundation and basements
shape_sets = {}
for layer in project.viia_get_layers():
if layer.name[0] == 'N':
shape_sets[layer.name] = {}
shape_x = [
wall for wall in layer.walls if fem_parallel_vectors(
surface=[node.coordinates for node in wall.get_nodes()], precision=project.check_precision),
vector_2=[1.0, 0, 0], precision=project.check_precision)]
shape_y = [
wall for wall in layer.walls
if fem_parallel_vectors(
surface=[node.coordinates for node in wall.get_nodes()], precision=project.check_precision),
vector_2=[0, 1.0, 0], precision=project.check_precision)]
if shape_x:
shape_sets[layer.name][f'{layer.name}_x'] = shape_x
if shape_y:
shape_sets[layer.name][f'{layer.name}_y'] = shape_y
return shape_sets
elif 'beams-material-storey' in scope:
# Collect the beams per layer, excluding foundation and basements
# Sub-divide for different beam materials
beams_layer = {layer.name: layer.beams for layer in project.viia_get_layers() if layer.name[0] == 'N'}
return lines_material_storey(lines_layer=beams_layer)
elif 'columns-material-storey' in scope:
# Collect the columns per layer, excluding foundation and basements
# Sub-divide for different column materials
columns_layer = {layer.name: layer.columns for layer in project.viia_get_layers() if layer.name[0] == 'N'}
return lines_material_storey(lines_layer=columns_layer)
elif 'floors-material-storey' in scope:
# Collect the floors per layer, excluding foundation and basements
# Sub-divide for different floor materials
floors_layer = {layer.name: layer.floors for layer in project.viia_get_layers() if layer.name[0] == 'N'}
return surfaces_material_storey(surfaces_layer=floors_layer)
elif 'floors-timber-storey' in scope:
# Collect the timber floors per layer, excluding foundation and basements
# Sub-divide per timber material
floors_layer = {layer.name: layer.floors for layer in project.viia_get_layers() if layer.name[0] == 'N'}
timber_floors = {}
for layer, floors in floors_layer.items():
timber_floors[layer] = {}
for floor in floors:
if isinstance(floor.material, Timber):
# For timber floors, make a distinction of plate or others, since plate has a higher capacity
key = 'PLATEN' if 'PLATEN' in floor.name else 'LIN-HOUT'
if key not in timber_floors[layer]:
timber_floors[layer][key] = []
return timber_floors
elif 'roofs-timber' in scope:
# Collect the roofs per timber material
timber_roofs = {'roof': {}}
for roof in project.collections.roofs:
if isinstance(roof.material, Timber):
# For timber roofs, make a distinction of plate or others, since plate has a higher capacity
key = 'PLATEN' if 'PLATEN' in roof.name else 'LIN-HOUT'
if key not in timber_roofs['roof']:
timber_roofs['roof'][key] = []
return timber_roofs
elif 'roofs-material-storey' in scope:
# Collect the roofs per layer, excluding foundation and basements
# Sub-divide for different floor materials
roofs_layer = {layer.name: layer.roofs for layer in project.viia_get_layers() if layer.name[0] == 'N'}
return surfaces_material_storey(surfaces_layer=roofs_layer)
elif 'interfaces-storey' in scope:
connections_layer = {
layer.name: layer.get_connections() for layer in project.viia_get_layers()}
# Filter for interfaces only
for layer, connections in connections_layer.items():
for connection in reversed(connections):
if not isinstance(connection, Interface):
# Filter connections only in this layer or connecting to lower layer
ordered_layers = [layer for layer, connections in connections_layer.items()]
for enum, connection_layer in enumerate(connections_layer.items()):
if enum == len(connections_layer) - 1:
for connection in reversed(connection_layer[1]):
# Check if there are any connection between basement/foundation with the N0 level.
if enum + 1 < len(ordered_layers):
if ordered_layers[enum + 1] != 'N0' and connection_layer[0] in ['F', 'B']:
if connection.connecting_shapes['source_connecting_shape'].layer.name == 'N0' or \
connection.connecting_shapes['target_connecting_shape'].layer.name == 'N0':
# Check if the layer of the connecting shapes is at a higher level or not.
if connection.connecting_shapes['source_connecting_shape'].layer.name == \
ordered_layers[enum + 1] or \
connection.connecting_shapes['target_connecting_shape'].layer.name == \
ordered_layers[enum + 1]:
# Filter line and point interfaces
connection_sets_line = {}
connection_sets_point = {}
for layer, connections in connections_layer.items():
for connection in connections:
# Collect only line interfaces
if 'LIJN' in connection.name:
if layer not in connection_sets_line:
connection_sets_line[layer] = []
elif 'PUNT' in connection.name:
if layer not in connection_sets_point:
connection_sets_point[layer] = []
if 'line' in scope:
return connection_sets_line
elif 'point' in scope:
return connection_sets_point
raise ValueError(f"ERROR: You need to specify if {scope} is a point interface or line interface.")
raise NotImplementedError(f"ERROR: '{scope}' is not a recognised result scope definition.")
### ===================================================================================================================
### 3. End of script
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