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### Function to collect the material-group based on VIIA naming conventions
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2025
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### 1. Import modules
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# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
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### 2. Get material-group based on material-name
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[docs]def viia_get_material_group(project: ViiaProject, material_name: str) -> str:
Function to find the material group of the element material based on the name of the material. The groups are
related to the material type. Materials are split in category's 'linear' and 'non-linear'. All information needed
is in the name of the material (VIIA naming convention).
Currently available materialgroups are:
- 'Linear'
- 'LinearInterface'
- 'LinearOrthotropic'
- 'LinearSpring'
- 'EmbeddedPile'
- 'TimberFrame'
- 'PointMass'
- 'LineMass'
- 'LineMass-Truss'
- 'SurfaceMass'
- 'Dummy'
- 'NonLinMasonry'
- 'NonLinConcrete'
- 'NonLinRebar'
- 'NonLinBondSlipRebar'
- 'NonLinSteel'
- 'Soil'
- 'NonLinInterfaceFriction'
- 'NonLinElasticInterface'
- 'NonLinSpring'
- project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables.
- material_name (str): Name of the material to be created (VIIA naming convention).
- The name of the material group is returned as string.
# Masonry material model is meshsize dependent and should be removed for this check
# Also any adjusted density
name_parts = ['-0.25x0.25', '-0.5x0.5', '-0.1x0.1']
for name_part in name_parts:
if name_part in material_name:
material_name = material_name.replace(name_part, '')
if '-DENSIT' in material_name:
material_name = material_name.split('-DENSIT')[0]
# Check if material is in VIIA material database, if present the materialgroup will be returned
material_in_dict = project.viia_check_materialname_present(material_name)
if material_in_dict:
return material_in_dict
# If the material is not in the VIIA material database, the name contains the information to create the material
if 'LIN' in material_name or 'DUMMY' in material_name:
# Linear materialmodels by name
# Material name with 4 parts expected for KPV with structural top layer (e.g. "LIN-KPV-floor_thick-layer_thick")
if 'BETON' in material_name or 'SANDWICH' in material_name or \
('KPV' in material_name and len(material_name.split('-')) == 4 and project.analysis_type == 'SBS'):
# Materialmodel: Concrete and masonry | Linear elastic isotropic
return 'Linear'
if 'EmbeddedPile' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Reinforcements and pile foundations | Foundation pile
return 'EmbeddedPile'
if 'KPV' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Concrete and masonry | Linear elastic orthotropic
return 'LinearOrthotropic'
if 'PLANKEN' in material_name or 'PLATEN' in material_name or 'HSB' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Concrete and masonry | Direct stiffness matrix for flat shells
return 'TimberFrame'
if 'WAPENING' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Reinforcements and pile foundation | Linear
return 'LinRebar'
if 'PUNTMASSA' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Mass elements | Point mass
return 'PointMass'
if 'LIJNMASSA' in material_name:
if len(material_name.split('-')) == 4:
# Materialmodel: Mass elements | Line mass 3D
return 'LineMass'
# Materialmodel: Steel | Linear elastic isotropic
return 'LineMass-Truss'
if 'VLAKMASSA' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Mass elements | Surface mass
return 'SurfaceMass'
if 'DUMMY' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Mass elements | Point mass
return 'Dummy'
if 'SPOUWANKER' in material_name or 'SPRING' in material_name or 'FCRIT' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Springs and dashpots | Translational spring-dashpot
return 'LinearTranslationalSpring'
if 'ROT' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Springs and dashpots | Rotational spring-dashpot
return 'LinearRotationalSpring'
# Non-linear materialmodels by name
if 'USRDEF' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: User supplied subroutine
return 'USRDEF'
if 'BETON' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Concrete and masonry | Total strain based crack model
return 'NonLinConcrete'
if 'SPOUWANKER' in material_name:
# Materialmodel: Springs and dashpots | Translational spring-dashpot
return 'NonLinSpring'
# Else the material is not recognised
raise NotImplementedError(f"ERROR: Unknown material name: '{material_name}'.")
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### 3. End of script
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