Source code for viiapackage.database.viia_myviia

### ===================================================================================================================
###   MYVIIA base functionality
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# Copyright ©VIIA 2024

### ===================================================================================================================
###   1. Import modules
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# General imports
import os
from sys import platform

# Import ViiaSettings for server URL
from viiapackage.viiaSettings import ViiaSettings

# Module for requests library is used to connect to MYVIIA
import requests
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError

# Collect the connection settings to connect to MYVIIA
if os.environ.get('USERNAME_MYVIIA') is None or os.environ.get('PASSWORD_MYVIIA') is None:
        from user_config import connection_dict
        os.environ['USERNAME_MYVIIA'] = connection_dict[ViiaSettings.MYVIIA_SERVER]['email']
        os.environ['PASSWORD_MYVIIA'] = connection_dict[ViiaSettings.MYVIIA_SERVER]['password']
        use_user_config = True
    except ImportError:
        connection_dict = dict()
        use_user_config = False
    use_user_config = True

### ===================================================================================================================
###    2. Collect viia_object information from MYVIIA database
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# Wrapper check function
[docs]def myviia_check_modules(func): """ This function checks if all required 3rd party modules are installed properly when collecting data from MYVIIA webtool. """ def wrapper_function(*args, **kwargs): if not use_user_config: if 'project' in kwargs and not kwargs['project'].token: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "ERROR: The viiaPackage requires the user_config file to properly connect to the MYVIIA database. " "Please make sure you have this file in your working directory.") return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper_function
# Wrapper check function
[docs]def myviia_token(func): """ This function checks if token is provided or that it should be collected with login.""" def wrapper_function(*args, **kwargs): if 'token' not in kwargs or kwargs['token'] is None: kwargs['token'] = myviia_login() return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper_function
# Wrapper function for debug escape of posting def myviia_debug(func): """ This function checks if the post should be executed or that it should be logged only for debugging.""" def wrapper_function(*args, **kwargs): if ViiaSettings.DEBUG: return None return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper_function def myviia_test_environment_available(): """ Checks if test environment of MYVIIA is available.""" if platform in ['linux', 'linux2']: myviia_dev_available = os.getenv('MYVIIA_DEV_AVAILABLE') if myviia_dev_available == 'True': return True print(f"MYVIIA test-environment is not available, tests will be skipped.") return False try: from user_config import connection_dict except ModuleNotFoundError: return False if 'myviia-test' in connection_dict: return True return False ### =================================================================================================================== ### 3. Request functions ### ===================================================================================================================
[docs]def _viia_get_from_myviia(url: str, token: str, stream: bool = False): """ Function to create GET request to retrieve data from MYVIIA tool.""" if not stream: response = requests.get(url=url, headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"}) if response.status_code >= 300: raise ConnectionError( f"ERROR: There is an issue with connecting to MYVIIA. Code: {response.status_code}. " f"Reason: {response.reason}.") return response else: return requests.get(url=url, headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"}, stream=True)
[docs]def _viia_post_to_myviia(url: str, token: str, data: dict): """ Function to create POST request to enter new data record to MYVIIA tool.""" return, headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"}, json=data)
def _viia_patch_to_myviia(url: str, token: str, data: dict): """ Function to create PATCH request to overwrite existing data record on MYVIIA tool.""" return requests.patch(url=url, headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"}, json=data) def _viia_delete_from_myviia(url: str, token: str): """ Function to create DELETE request to delete existing data record on MYVIIA tool.""" return requests.delete(url=url, headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"}) ### =================================================================================================================== ### 4. Login to MYVIIA ### ===================================================================================================================
[docs]def myviia_login() -> str: """ This function connects to the MYVIIA database, provides authentication and returns a bearer token to acccess the database for additional requests. Note that the token lifecycle is limited. .. note:: Credentials should be stored in the user-config file. Do not save credentials in scripts. Input: - No input required. Output: - If successful authentication is performed, the token is returned as string. - Error is raised if any problem occurs. """ # Collect the token from login try: login_request = url=f'{ViiaSettings.MYVIIA_SERVER_URL}/login', data={'email': os.environ['USERNAME_MYVIIA'], 'password': os.environ['PASSWORD_MYVIIA']}) except ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError("ERROR: Could not connect to the MYVIIA database. Please check your internet connection.") except KeyError: raise KeyError("ERROR: Could not retrieve the credentials from user_config file.") # Check for denied access and collect the token that is required for further requests if login_request.status_code == 401 and login_request.reason == 'Unauthorized': raise PermissionError("ERROR: Access to the MYVIIA database is denied, check your credentials.") elif login_request.status_code == 400 and login_request.reason == 'Bad Request': for key in ['email', 'password']: if key not in connection_dict['myviia']: raise ValueError( f"ERROR: Access to the MYVIIA database is denied, the '{key}' key is missing or incorrect.") # Collect the token login_request.raise_for_status() login_request = login_request.json() if 'token' not in login_request and 'message' in login_request['body'][0]: raise PermissionError( f"ERROR: API returns message: {login_request['body'][0]['message']}, " f"please check input in your user_config.") # Return the collected token return login_request['token']
### =================================================================================================================== ### 5. End of script ### ===================================================================================================================