Source code for viiapackage.results.result_functions.viia_base_shear

### ===================================================================================================================
###   Function to calculate the base shear
### ===================================================================================================================
# Copyright ©VIIA 2024

### ===================================================================================================================
###   1. Import modules
### ===================================================================================================================

# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Union, Optional
from pathlib import Path
import json

# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from rhdhv_fem.fem_tools import fem_make_list_of_text, fem_read_file
from rhdhv_fem.analyses.analysis import Analysis
from rhdhv_fem.fem_config import Config
from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_greater, fem_smaller

# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
    from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject

# Import module matplotlib
import matplotlib
# Switch to a non-interactive backend to properly import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

### ===================================================================================================================
###   2. Function viia_base_shear
### ===================================================================================================================

[docs]def viia_base_shear( project: ViiaProject, analysis: Analysis, base_shear_tb_file: List[Union[Path, str]] = None, geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus: Union[Path, str] = None): """ This function calculates the base shear from a DIANA analysis or ABAQUS geo post-processing for an object with strip foundation, or pile foundation or mixed foundations. Input: - project (obj): Project object containing collections and of fem objects and project variables. - base_shear_tb_file(list): List of output .tb files for calculating the base shear from DIANA. - geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus(string or Path): Path or string of path of output .json files for geo postprocessing from ABAQUS. - analysis (obj): Object reference of the analysis of which the base shear should be calculated. Output: - A figure with the base shear in time-history is created and saved in the current analysis folder. - A json file with calculated base shear in time-history is created and saved in the current analysis folder. """ def plot_base_shear( title: str, file_name: str, time_data: list, x_data: list, y_data: list, z_data: list, max_x: Optional[str], max_y: Optional[str], max_z: Optional[str] = None, min_z: Optional[str] = None): """ Function to plot the base shear figures.""" # Create graph with base shear results plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) # Apply VIIA graph style style_file = Path(project.viia_settings.project_specific_package_location) / 'viiaGraph.mplstyle' # Plot the values fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) ax1.plot(time_data, x_data, label='Total base shear in x-direction') ax1.plot(time_data, y_data, label='Total base shear in y-direction') # Adjust the axes limits y_min = min(min(x_data) * 1.05, min(y_data) * 1.05) y_max = max(max(x_data) * 1.05, max(y_data) * 1.05) plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) # Apply formatting ax1.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax1.set_ylabel('Base shear [kN]') ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') if max_x and max_y: ax1.set_title(f"{title} (Maximum base shear: X {max_x} kN, Y {max_y} kN)") else: ax1.set_title(title) ax1.legend(loc='upper right') # Save the horizontal base shear graph fig1.savefig(project.current_analysis_folder.as_posix() + f'/{file_name}' + '_Horizontal.png') plt.close() # Create graph with vertical base shear results plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) # Apply VIIA graph style style_file = Path(project.viia_settings.project_specific_package_location) / 'viiaGraph.mplstyle' # Plot the values fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) ax2.plot(time_data, z_data, label='Total vertical load') # Adjust the axes limits y_min = min(z_data) * 1.05 y_max = max(z_data) * 1.05 plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) # Apply formatting ax2.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax2.set_ylabel('Base shear [kN]') ax2.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') if max_z and min_z: ax2.set_title(f"{title} (Maximum vertical force: {max_z} kN, Minimum vertical force: {min_z} kN)") else: ax2.set_title(title) ax2.legend(loc='upper right') # Save the vertical base shear graph fig2.savefig(project.current_analysis_folder.as_posix() + f'/{file_name}' + '_Vertical.png') plt.close() # Check which files are provided if base_shear_tb_file is None and geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus is None: raise ValueError('ERROR: No files have been selected. Please check the input.') elif base_shear_tb_file is not None and geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus is not None: raise ValueError('ERROR: Only one type of files should be selected. Please check the input.') # Get analysis number analyse_nr =' - ')[0] # Check if shallow foundation is present and if piles are present fos = project.shallow_foundation_present() piles = project.pile_foundation_present() if not piles and not fos: raise ValueError( "ERROR: No shallow or pile foundation present in the model, please check. Maybe you are using the model " "json not the analysis json.") # If tb-file is provided: if base_shear_tb_file is not None: if not isinstance(base_shear_tb_file, list): base_shear_tb_file = [base_shear_tb_file] for i, file in enumerate(base_shear_tb_file): if isinstance(file, str): base_shear_tb_file[i] = Path(file) elements = {} # Procedure for shallow foundations if fos: # Read file fos_file = None for file in base_shear_tb_file: if file is not None: if '5A.tb' in file.as_posix(): fos_file = file if not fos_file: project.write_log("ERROR: Input file not recognized for base shear function, check your input.") return lines = fem_read_file(fos_file) if not lines: return if project.viia_settings.support_type == 'FixedBase': time_bool = False current_time = 0 base_shear_x_fos = [] base_shear_y_fos = [] base_shear_z_fos = [] time_fos = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = fem_make_list_of_text(line) if 'Time' in line: if not time_bool: time_bool = True else: time_fos.append(current_time) base_shear_x_fos.append(base_shear_x_fos_timestep) base_shear_y_fos.append(base_shear_y_fos_timestep) base_shear_z_fos.append(base_shear_z_fos_timestep) base_shear_x_fos_timestep = 0 base_shear_y_fos_timestep = 0 base_shear_z_fos_timestep = 0 current_time = float(line[1]) if len(line) == 4 and time_bool: try: int(line[0]) base_shear_x_fos_timestep += float(line[1]) base_shear_y_fos_timestep += float(line[2]) base_shear_z_fos_timestep += float(line[3]) except ValueError: pass else: mesh_elem_area = {} for interface in project.collections.boundary_interfaces: for elem in interface.mesh.mesh_elements: mesh_elem_area[] = {'area': elem.get_area()} time_bool = False current_time = 0 current_element = None base_shear_x_fos = [] base_shear_y_fos = [] base_shear_z_fos = [] time_fos = [] element_sx = 0 element_sy = 0 element_nz = 0 nr_int_points = 1 base_shear_x_fos_timestep = 0 base_shear_y_fos_timestep = 0 base_shear_z_fos_timestep = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = fem_make_list_of_text(line) if 'Time' in line: if not time_bool: time_bool = True else: time_fos.append(current_time) base_shear_x_fos.append(base_shear_x_fos_timestep) base_shear_y_fos.append(base_shear_y_fos_timestep) base_shear_z_fos.append(base_shear_z_fos_timestep) base_shear_x_fos_timestep = 0 base_shear_y_fos_timestep = 0 base_shear_z_fos_timestep = 0 current_time = float(line[1]) elif len(line) == 5 and time_bool: try: new_element = int(line[0]) if elements == {} or new_element not in elements: elements[new_element] = {} if current_element: base_shear_x_fos_timestep += \ float(element_sx) / nr_int_points * mesh_elem_area[current_element]['area'] if elements[new_element] == {}: elements[new_element]['base_shear_x'] = [] elements[new_element]['base_shear_x'].append( float(element_sx) / nr_int_points * mesh_elem_area[current_element]['area']) base_shear_y_fos_timestep += \ float(element_sy) / nr_int_points * mesh_elem_area[current_element]['area'] if 'base_shear_y' not in elements[new_element]: elements[new_element]['base_shear_y'] = [] elements[new_element]['base_shear_y'].append( float(element_sy) / nr_int_points * mesh_elem_area[current_element]['area']) base_shear_z_fos_timestep += \ float(element_nz) / nr_int_points * mesh_elem_area[current_element]['area'] if 'base_shear_z' not in elements[new_element]: elements[new_element]['base_shear_z'] = [] elements[new_element]['base_shear_z'].append( float(element_nz) / nr_int_points * mesh_elem_area[current_element]['area']) current_element = new_element element_sx = float(line[2]) element_sy = float(line[3]) element_nz = float(line[4]) nr_int_points = 1 except ValueError: pass elif len(line) == 4 and time_bool: try: element_sx += float(line[1]) element_sy += float(line[2]) element_nz += float(line[3]) nr_int_points += 1 except ValueError: pass # If pile foundation present if piles: # Read file piles_file = None for file in base_shear_tb_file: if file is not None: if '5B.tb' in file.as_posix(): piles_file = file if not piles_file: project.write_log("ERROR: Input file not recognised for base shear function, check your input.") return lines = fem_read_file(piles_file) if not lines: return time_bool = False node_force = False current_time = 0 base_shear_x_pile = [] base_shear_y_pile = [] base_shear_z_pile = [] time_pile = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = fem_make_list_of_text(line) if 'Time' in line: next_line = fem_make_list_of_text(lines[i + 1]) if 'DISPLA' in next_line: node_force = False continue elif 'NODFOR' in next_line: node_force = True if not time_bool: time_bool = True else: time_pile.append(current_time) base_shear_x_pile.append(base_shear_x_pile_timestep) base_shear_y_pile.append(base_shear_y_pile_timestep) base_shear_z_pile.append(base_shear_z_pile_timestep) base_shear_x_pile_timestep = 0 base_shear_y_pile_timestep = 0 base_shear_z_pile_timestep = 0 current_time = float(line[1]) if len(line) == 4 and time_bool and node_force: try: base_shear_x_pile_timestep += float(line[1]) base_shear_y_pile_timestep += float(line[2]) base_shear_z_pile_timestep += float(line[3]) current_element = int(line[0]) if elements == {} or current_element not in elements: elements[current_element] = {} if 'base_shear_x' not in elements[current_element]: elements[current_element]['base_shear_x'] = [] elements[current_element]['base_shear_x'].append(float(line[1])) if 'base_shear_y' not in elements[current_element]: elements[current_element]['base_shear_y'] = [] elements[current_element]['base_shear_y'].append(float(line[2])) if 'base_shear_z' not in elements[current_element]: elements[current_element]['base_shear_z'] = [] elements[current_element]['base_shear_z'].append(float(line[3])) except ValueError: pass if fos and not piles: base_shear_x = base_shear_x_fos base_shear_y = base_shear_y_fos base_shear_z = base_shear_z_fos time = time_fos elif piles and not fos: base_shear_x = base_shear_x_pile base_shear_y = base_shear_y_pile base_shear_z = base_shear_z_pile time = time_pile else: if len(time_fos) != len(time_pile): project.write_log( "ERROR: Number of timesteps in FOS output does not correspond to " + "the number of timesteps in pile output. Check files.", True) return time = time_fos base_shear_x = [] base_shear_y = [] base_shear_z = [] for i in range(len(time)): base_shear_x.append(base_shear_x_fos[i] + base_shear_x_pile[i]) base_shear_y.append(base_shear_y_fos[i] + base_shear_x_pile[i]) base_shear_z.append(base_shear_z_fos[i] + base_shear_x_pile[i]) # Get signal name if base_shear_tb_file[0]: signal_name = base_shear_tb_file[0].parts[-2] elif base_shear_tb_file[1]: signal_name = base_shear_tb_file[1].parts[-2] if analyse_nr not in project.results: project.results[analyse_nr] = {} # Prepare dump file name = 'base_shear.json' if base_shear_tb_file[0]: dumpfile = base_shear_tb_file[0].parent / name else: dumpfile = base_shear_tb_file[1].parent / name # if geo_postprocessed_data.json is provided if geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus is not None: file = geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus if isinstance(file, str): geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus = Path(file) # Read file file = geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus with open(file) as json_file: s_all = json.load(json_file) for item in s_all['section_force_requests']['items']: if "force" not in item.keys(): project.write_log("ERROR: Base shear forces are not recognized in the input file, check your input.") return time = list(map( float, s_all['section_force_requests']['items'][0]['force']['1']['Structural nonlinear 2'].keys())) # Get time history from shear force time history base_shear_x = [] base_shear_y = [] base_shear_z = [] for time_step in time: force_x = 0 force_y = 0 force_z = 0 for item in s_all['section_force_requests']['items']: force_x += item['force']['1']['Structural nonlinear 2'][str(time_step)] force_y += item['force']['2']['Structural nonlinear 2'][str(time_step)] force_z += item['force']['3']['Structural nonlinear 2'][str(time_step)] base_shear_x.append(force_x) base_shear_y.append(force_y) base_shear_z.append(-force_z) elements = {} # Get signal name if '/' in geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus.as_posix(): signal_name ='_')[0].split('-')[-1] else: signal_name ='_')[0].split('-')[-1] if analyse_nr not in project.results: project.results[analyse_nr] = {} # Prepare dump file name = f'{signal_name}_Base_Shear_Input_NLTH.json' dumpfile = geo_postprocessed_data_json_file_abaqus.parent / name # Logging min and maximum base shear in all direction. max_base_shear_x = max(base_shear_x) min_base_shear_x = min(base_shear_x) max_base_shear_y = max(base_shear_y) min_base_shear_y = min(base_shear_y) max_base_shear_z = max(base_shear_z) min_base_shear_z = min(base_shear_z) # Logging timestep of min and maximum base shear in all direction crit_timesteps = dict() crit_timesteps['max_base_shear_x_time'] = base_shear_x.index(max_base_shear_x) + 1 crit_timesteps['max_base_shear_y_time'] = base_shear_y.index(max_base_shear_y) + 1 crit_timesteps['max_base_shear_z_time'] = base_shear_z.index(max_base_shear_z) + 1 crit_timesteps['min_base_shear_z_time'] = base_shear_z.index(min_base_shear_z) + 1 # Get absolute value of maximum base shear in horizontal direction max_base_shear_x = max(abs(min_base_shear_x), max_base_shear_x) max_base_shear_y = max(abs(min_base_shear_y), max_base_shear_y) # Add to results dictionary project.results[analyse_nr]['base_shear'] = {} project.results[analyse_nr]['base_shear'][signal_name] = { 'base_shear_x': base_shear_x, 'base_shear_y': base_shear_y, 'vertical_force_z': base_shear_z, 'time': time, 'max_base_shear_x': max_base_shear_x, 'max_base_shear_y': max_base_shear_y, 'max_normal_force_z': max_base_shear_z, 'min_normal_force_z': min_base_shear_z, 'force_element_time': elements, 'crit_timesteps': crit_timesteps} # Logging min and maximum base shear in all direction. max_base_shear_x = str(round(abs(max_base_shear_x) / 1000, 0)) max_base_shear_y = str(round(abs(max_base_shear_y) / 1000, 0)) max_normalforce_z = str(round(max_base_shear_z / 1000, 0)) min_normalforce_z = str(round(min_base_shear_z / 1000, 0)) project.write_log( f"The maximum base shear in x-direction is {max_base_shear_x} kN at timestep " f"{crit_timesteps['max_base_shear_x_time']}.") project.write_log( f"The maximum base shear in y-direction is {max_base_shear_y} kN at timestep " f"{crit_timesteps['max_base_shear_y_time']}.") project.write_log( f"The maximum total normal force in z-direction is {max_normalforce_z} kN at timestep " f"{crit_timesteps['max_base_shear_z_time']}.") project.write_log( f"The minimum total normal force in z-direction is {min_normalforce_z} kN at timestep " f"{crit_timesteps['min_base_shear_z_time']}.") # Revert values from [N] to [kN] for visualisation for i in range(len(base_shear_x)): base_shear_x[i] = base_shear_x[i] / 1000 for i in range(len(base_shear_y)): base_shear_y[i] = base_shear_y[i] / 1000 for i in range(len(base_shear_z)): base_shear_z[i] = base_shear_z[i] / 1000 # If pile and shallow foundation are combined if piles and fos: for i in range(len(base_shear_x_pile)): base_shear_x_pile[i] = base_shear_x_pile[i] / 1000 base_shear_x_fos[i] = base_shear_x_fos[i] / 1000 for i in range(len(base_shear_y_pile)): base_shear_y_pile[i] = base_shear_y_pile[i] / 1000 base_shear_y_fos[i] = base_shear_y_fos[i] / 1000 for i in range(len(base_shear_z_pile)): base_shear_z_pile[i] = base_shear_z_pile[i] / 1000 base_shear_z_fos[i] = base_shear_z_fos[i] / 1000 # Create picture with the total base shear plot_base_shear( title=f"Base shear analysis {' -')[0]} with {signal_name}", file_name='BaseShear', time_data=time, x_data=base_shear_x, y_data=base_shear_y, z_data=base_shear_z, max_x=max_base_shear_x, max_y=max_base_shear_y, max_z=max_normalforce_z, min_z=min_normalforce_z) if fos and piles: # fos base shear plot_base_shear( title=f"Base shear analysis {' -')[0]} with {signal_name}, shallow foundation", file_name='BaseShear_fos', time_data=time, x_data=base_shear_x_fos, y_data=base_shear_y_fos, z_data=base_shear_z_fos, max_x=None, max_y=None) # pile base shear plot_base_shear( title=f"Base shear analysis {' -')[0]} with {signal_name}, pile foundation", file_name='BaseShear_piles', time_data=time, x_data=base_shear_x_pile, y_data=base_shear_y_pile, z_data=base_shear_z_pile, max_x=None, max_y=None) # Collect the data for the base signal graph signal_t = [] signal_x = [] signal_y = [] signal_z = [] for timeseries_combination in project.collections.timeseries_combinations: if'_')[-1] == signal_name: signal_x = timeseries_combination.x_direction.value_series signal_y = timeseries_combination.y_direction.value_series signal_z = timeseries_combination.z_direction.value_series signal_t = timeseries_combination.x_direction.time_series # Create the base signal graph plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) viia_style_file = Path(project.viia_settings.project_specific_package_location) / 'viiaGraph.mplstyle' ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0)) ax1.plot(signal_t, [sx / project.gravitational_acceleration for sx in signal_x], label='Base signal in x-direction') ax1.plot(signal_t, [sy / project.gravitational_acceleration for sy in signal_y], label='Base signal in y-direction') ax1.plot(signal_t, [sz / project.gravitational_acceleration for sz in signal_z], label='Base signal in z-direction') ax1.spines['bottom'].set_position('zero') plt.xlabel('Time [s]') plt.ylabel('Acceleration [g]') plt.title('Base signal ' + signal_name) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig(project.current_analysis_folder.as_posix() + f"/BaseSignal_{signal_name}.png") plt.close() with open(dumpfile, 'w') as fd: json.dump(project.results[analyse_nr], fd, indent=2, sort_keys=True) return
### =================================================================================================================== ### 3. End of script ### ===================================================================================================================