### ===================================================================================================================
### Functionality to create foundation strips
### ===================================================================================================================
# Copyright ©VIIA 2025
### ====================================================================================================================
### 1. Import modules
### ====================================================================================================================
# General imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from copy import deepcopy
# References for functions and classes in the rhdhv_fem package
from rhdhv_fem.fem_math import fem_compare_coordinates, fem_vector_2_points, fem_unit_vector, \
fem_cross_product_vector, fem_distance_coordinates, fem_compare_values, fem_parallel_vectors, \
fem_closest_point, fem_longest_distance, fem_distance_point_to_plane, fem_greater, fem_smaller, fem_point_on_line, \
fem_intersection_of_two_lines, fem_distance_point_to_line, fem_scalar_vector_multiplication, fem_translate_point
from rhdhv_fem.materials import Material, Masonry
from rhdhv_fem.shapes import Wall, Column, Fstrip
from rhdhv_fem.shape_geometries import Line
from rhdhv_fem.fem_tools import fem_find_object
# References for functions and classes in the viiaPackage
from viiapackage.viiaStatus import ViiaProject
from viiapackage.viiaMaterials import viia_convert_material_to_linear
from viiapackage.geometry.viia_fstrips import identify_surface_common_nodes
from viiapackage.geometry.geometry_models import ViiaSteppedFoundationWall
### ====================================================================================================================
### 2. Create foundation walls/columns and strips
### ====================================================================================================================
[docs]def _check_fstrips_connectivity(project: ViiaProject):
""" Function to check if all foundation strips are properly connected to each other. This check is needed to avoid
gaps between two foundation strips. The gap case may arise when the length of one of the fstrip is smaller than the
width of adjacent foundation strips."""
for i, fstrip in enumerate(project.collections.fstrips):
connected_strips = []
connecting_fstrips = identify_surface_common_nodes(fstrip, project.collections.fstrips)
# Checking number of points where fstrip and connecting_fstrip have in common. Two adjacent foundation strips
# with only one common node will be an issue since adjacent foundation strips should have two common nodes.
for connecting_fstrip in connecting_fstrips:
common_nodes = []
for node in fstrip.contour.get_points():
if node in connecting_fstrip.contour.get_points():
if len(fstrip.contour.get_points()) == 3:
connected_strips.append([fstrip, connecting_fstrip])
elif len(connecting_fstrip.contour.get_points()) == 3:
connected_strips.append([connecting_fstrip, fstrip])
if len(common_nodes) == 1:
f"Two foundation strips - {connected_strips[0][0].name} and {connected_strips[0][1].name} are "
f"connected at a single point. This issue could arise if one of the two foundation strips have "
f"length shorter than the width of the other foundation strip. Attempting to fix this. If not "
f"fixed, please make manual adjustments.")
# Find closest node
nodes_to_compare = [
node.coordinates for node in connected_strips[0][1].contour.get_nodes()
if node.coordinates != common_nodes[0]]
closest_node, _ = fem_closest_point(point=common_nodes[0], point_list=nodes_to_compare)
# Modifying fstrip by adding the closest node to polyline contour
points_to_keep = deepcopy(connected_strips[0][0].contour.get_points())
connected_strips[0][0].contour = project.create_polyline(points_to_keep + [closest_node])
[docs]def _viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip(
project: ViiaProject, line_point_1: List[float], line_point_2: List[float], foundation_depth: float,
foundation_wall_thickness: float, wall_material: Material, strip_width: float, strip_thickness: float,
strip_material: Material) -> Tuple[Optional[Wall], Fstrip]:
""" Function creates the wall and strip foundation."""
# Check points
if not fem_compare_values(line_point_1[2], line_point_2[2]):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The function viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip expects two points with the "
"same z-coordinate. Please check.")
if fem_compare_coordinates(line_point_1, line_point_2):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The two points for the function viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip are equal. Please check.")
if line_point_1[2] < foundation_depth:
raise ValueError(
f"ERROR: The viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip function received lower z-coordinates of the wall "
f"than the foundation_depth. Please check.")
# Check the height and determine if 1 or 2 walls are created
total_height = (line_point_1[2] - foundation_depth) * 1E3
if fem_smaller(total_height - strip_thickness / 2, 100):
level = line_point_1[2]
foundation_wall = None
level = round(foundation_depth + strip_thickness / 2E3, 3)
foundation_wall = project.viia_create_wall(
[line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], line_point_1[2]],
[line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], line_point_1[2]],
[line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], level],
[line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], level]]])
foundation_strip = _viia_create_foundation_strip(
project=project, thickness=strip_thickness, width=strip_width, level=level, material=strip_material,
line_point_1=line_point_1, line_point_2=line_point_2)
return foundation_wall, foundation_strip
def _viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_cavity_wall(
project: ViiaProject, inner_leaf_point1: List[float], inner_leaf_point2: List[float],
outer_leaf_point1: List[float], outer_leaf_point2: List[float], foundation_depth: float,
foundation_wall_inner_leaf_thickness: float, foundation_wall_outer_leaf_thickness: float,
wall_material_inner_leaf: Material, wall_material_outer_leaf: Material, strip_width: float,
strip_thickness: float, strip_material: Material) -> Tuple[Optional[Wall], Optional[Wall], Fstrip, float]:
""" Function creates the wall and strip foundation for cavity walls."""
# Check points
if not all([fem_compare_values(value1=inner_leaf_point1[2], value2=point[2], precision=project.check_precision)
for point in [inner_leaf_point2, outer_leaf_point1, outer_leaf_point2]]):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The function viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_cavity_wall expects all points with the "
"same z-coordinate. Please check.")
if fem_compare_coordinates(
coordinate1=inner_leaf_point1, coordinate2=inner_leaf_point2, precision=project.check_precision):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The two points for the function inner leaf of the viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_cavity_wall"
" are equal. Please check.")
if fem_compare_coordinates(
coordinate1=outer_leaf_point1, coordinate2=outer_leaf_point2, precision=project.check_precision):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The two points for the function outer leaf of the viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_cavity_wall"
" are equal. Please check.")
if inner_leaf_point1[2] < foundation_depth:
# TODO Use fem_smaller and check for zero height walls
raise ValueError(
f"ERROR: The viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_cavity_wall function received lower z-coordinates of the"
f"walls than the foundation_depth. Please check.")
if not fem_parallel_vectors(
vector_1=fem_vector_2_points(point1=inner_leaf_point1, point2=inner_leaf_point2),
vector_2=fem_vector_2_points(point1=outer_leaf_point1, point2=outer_leaf_point2),
anti_parallel_vectors=False, precision=project.check_precision):
if fem_parallel_vectors(
vector_1=fem_vector_2_points(point1=inner_leaf_point1, point2=inner_leaf_point2),
vector_2=fem_vector_2_points(point1=outer_leaf_point2, point2=outer_leaf_point1),
anti_parallel_vectors=True, precision=project.check_precision):
# Inner and outer leaf points are in opposite direction, the outer leaf points are flipped
temp = outer_leaf_point1
outer_leaf_point1 = outer_leaf_point2
outer_leaf_point2 = temp
raise ValueError(
f"ERROR: The viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_cavity_wall function expects the inner and outer "
f"leaf to be parallel. Please check.")
# Check the height and determine if walls are created
total_height = (inner_leaf_point1[2] - foundation_depth) * 1E3
if fem_smaller(total_height - strip_thickness / 2, 100):
level = inner_leaf_point1[2]
inner_leaf_foundation = None
outer_leaf_foundation = None
level = round(foundation_depth + strip_thickness / 2E3, project.rounding_precision)
# Foundation inner leaf
inner_leaf_foundation = project.viia_create_wall(
name='F', material=wall_material_inner_leaf, geometry=int(foundation_wall_inner_leaf_thickness),
[inner_leaf_point1[0], inner_leaf_point1[1], inner_leaf_point1[2]],
[inner_leaf_point2[0], inner_leaf_point2[1], inner_leaf_point1[2]],
[inner_leaf_point2[0], inner_leaf_point2[1], level],
[inner_leaf_point1[0], inner_leaf_point1[1], level]]])
# Foundation inner leaf
outer_leaf_foundation = project.viia_create_wall(
name='F', material=wall_material_outer_leaf, geometry=int(foundation_wall_outer_leaf_thickness),
[outer_leaf_point1[0], outer_leaf_point1[1], outer_leaf_point1[2]],
[outer_leaf_point2[0], outer_leaf_point2[1], outer_leaf_point1[2]],
[outer_leaf_point2[0], outer_leaf_point2[1], level],
[outer_leaf_point1[0], outer_leaf_point1[1], level]]])
# Calculate the distance for the center point of the foundation strip
cavity = 1e3 * fem_distance_point_to_line(
point=inner_leaf_point1, line=[outer_leaf_point1, outer_leaf_point2])[0] - \
(foundation_wall_inner_leaf_thickness + foundation_wall_outer_leaf_thickness) / 2
width = foundation_wall_inner_leaf_thickness + foundation_wall_outer_leaf_thickness + cavity
d1 = width / 2 - foundation_wall_inner_leaf_thickness / 2
d2 = width / 2 - foundation_wall_outer_leaf_thickness / 2
# Check if the input from user for the strip width complies to the minimum requirement
if not fem_compare_values(value1=strip_width, value2=width, precision=project.check_precision) and \
strip_width < width:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The width of the strip is smaller than the total thickness of the cavity wall.")
# Determine the weighted mid-points
vector = fem_vector_2_points(point1=inner_leaf_point1, point2=outer_leaf_point1)
translation = fem_scalar_vector_multiplication(vector=vector, scalar=d1 / (d1 + d2))
line_point_1 = fem_translate_point(point=inner_leaf_point1, translations=translation)
vector = fem_vector_2_points(point1=inner_leaf_point2, point2=outer_leaf_point2)
translation = fem_scalar_vector_multiplication(vector=vector, scalar=d1 / (d1 + d2))
line_point_2 = fem_translate_point(point=inner_leaf_point2, translations=translation)
# Create the foundation strip
foundation_strip = _viia_create_foundation_strip(
project=project, thickness=strip_thickness, width=strip_width, level=level, material=strip_material,
line_point_1=line_point_1, line_point_2=line_point_2)
return inner_leaf_foundation, outer_leaf_foundation, foundation_strip, cavity
[docs]def _viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_stepped_foundation(
project: ViiaProject, line_point_1: List[float], line_point_2: List[float], foundation_depth: float,
foundation_wall_thickness: float, strip_extensions: List[float], strip_heights: List[float], material: Material,
cavity_extension_wall_bottom: Optional[float] = 0, cavity_extension_wall_thickness: Optional[float] = None,
strip_material: Optional[Material] = None) -> Tuple[Optional[Wall], Wall, Fstrip, Optional[Wall]]:
""" Function creates the stepped foundation."""
# Check points
if not fem_compare_values(line_point_1[2], line_point_2[2]):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The function _viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_stepped_foundation expects two points with the "
"same z-coordinate. Please check.")
if fem_compare_coordinates(line_point_1, line_point_2):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The two points for the function _viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip_stepped_foundation "
"are equal. Please check.")
# Check the height and determine if 1 or 2 walls are created
total_height = (line_point_1[2] - foundation_depth) * 1000
steps_height = 0
for step in strip_heights:
steps_height += step
if not fem_smaller(steps_height, total_height):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The step heights are higher than the distance between the foundation depth and the bottom side of "
"the wall. Please check the input.")
# Set material for the strip, unless specified
if not strip_material:
strip_material = material
# Create the strip
strip_width = foundation_wall_thickness
for step in strip_extensions:
strip_width += 2 * step
z_strip = foundation_depth + strip_heights[-1] / 2E3
lin_material = viia_convert_material_to_linear(project=project, material=strip_material)
foundation_strip = _viia_create_foundation_strip(
project=project, thickness=strip_heights[-1], width=strip_width, material=lin_material, level=z_strip,
line_point_1=line_point_1, line_point_2=line_point_2)
# Check if cavity extension wall exist
height_normal_wall = 0
cavity_extension_wall_exist = False
if not fem_greater(cavity_extension_wall_bottom, line_point_1[2]):
cavity_extension_wall_exist = True
height_normal_wall = total_height - steps_height - (line_point_1[2] - cavity_extension_wall_bottom) * 1E3
if height_normal_wall < 0:
f"WARNING: The requested cavity extension "
f"({int((line_point_1[2] - cavity_extension_wall_bottom) * 1E3)}mm) does "
f"not fit the cross-section, please check your input. Maximum cavity extension allowed is "
f"{int((line_point_1[2] - cavity_extension_wall_bottom) * 1E3) + height_normal_wall}mm. The model will "
f"be created for a cavity extension equal to the maximum allowed.")
cavity_extension_wall_bottom = cavity_extension_wall_bottom - height_normal_wall / 1E3
height_normal_wall = 0
elif fem_compare_values(
value1=cavity_extension_wall_bottom, value2=line_point_2[2], precision=project.rounding_precision):
height_normal_wall = total_height - steps_height
# Create cavity extension wall
cavity_extension_wall = None
if cavity_extension_wall_exist:
cavity_extension_wall = project.viia_create_wall(
[line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], line_point_1[2]],
[line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], line_point_1[2]],
[line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], cavity_extension_wall_bottom],
[line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], cavity_extension_wall_bottom]]])
# Create normal_wall
normal_wall = None
if fem_smaller(height_normal_wall, 250):
# Wall is not split
if cavity_extension_wall_exist:
equivalent_top_level = cavity_extension_wall_bottom
equivalent_top_level = line_point_1[2]
# Two walls are created
equivalent_top_level = foundation_depth + steps_height / 1E3
# Create the normal wall
normal_wall = project.viia_create_wall(
[line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], cavity_extension_wall_bottom],
[line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], cavity_extension_wall_bottom],
[line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], equivalent_top_level],
[line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], equivalent_top_level]]])
# Calculate the properties
eq_wall_width, _, modified_density = viia_get_equivalent_properties_masonry_wall_foundation(
wall_thickness=foundation_wall_thickness, bottom_of_strip=foundation_depth, heights_levels_strip=strip_heights,
strip_extensions=strip_extensions, original_density=strip_material.mass_density, top_level=equivalent_top_level)
# Create the equivalent foundation wall
equiv_wall = project.viia_create_wall(
[line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], equivalent_top_level],
[line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], equivalent_top_level],
[line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], z_strip],
[line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], z_strip]]])
# Return the created shapes
return normal_wall, equiv_wall, foundation_strip, cavity_extension_wall
[docs]def viia_create_foundation_walls_and_strips(
project: ViiaProject, walls: List[Union[Wall, str, Tuple[Wall, Line]]], foundation_depth: float,
strip_material: Optional[str] = None, strip_width: Optional[float] = None,
strip_thickness: Optional[int] = None, stepped_foundation_strip_extensions: Optional[List[float]] = None,
stepped_foundation_strip_heights: Optional[List[float]] = None, adjust_strips: bool = True,
allow_outer_leafs: bool = False, adjust_for_cavity: bool = True, foundation_wall_material: Optional[str] = None,
cavity_extension: Optional[float] = 0) -> Tuple[Optional[List[Wall]], Optional[List[Fstrip]]]:
Function creates the foundation underneath all walls in the list. The foundation strips are generated centered
underneath the wall. In case of cavity walls, the foundation strip is generated underneath both leaves. The
remaining strip width is equally distributed on both sides of the real wall including the cavity.
.. note:: The input cavity_extension should only be used when the cavity wall extends below the ground floor level,
therefore, the default value is set to 0. When given value to cavity_extension, it should be the height
(dimension in vertical direction) of the extension part in [mm]. In reality, it means the cavity was filled and
foundation wall becomes solid below certain height of cavity extension.
- project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables.
- walls (list): List with all the walls underneath which the foundation has to be made. The walls may be
provided as string or as object reference of Wall. If provided as tuple with a line shape-geometry, the
foundation is applied only underneath that part of the wall. This last feature is not available for cavity
- foundation_depth (float): Depth of the foundation strip, in [m].
- strip_material (str): Name of the strip material.
- strip_width (int): Width of the strip, in [mm]. In case of stepped foundation this input parameter
should not be provided. Default value None.
- strip_thickness (int): Thickness of the strip, in [mm]. In case of stepped foundation this input parameter
should not be provided. Default value None.
- stepped_foundation_strip_extensions (list of float): List of extensions for stepped foundations, in [mm].
Input parameter should only be provided for stepped foundations. Default value None.
The extensions are provided at each level of the stepped foundation going from top to bottom
60 | | 60
---- ----
75 | | 75
---- ----
40 | | 40
---- ----
| |
strip_extensions = [60, 75, 40]
- stepped_foundation_strip_heights (list of float): List of extensions for stepped foundations, values in [mm].
Input parameter should only be provided for stepped foundations. Default value None.
Height of the various levels of the stepped foundation going from top to bottom, in [mm].
| |
---- ----
120 | |
---- ----
50 | |
---- ----
60 | |
height_levels = [120, 50, 60]
- adjust_strips (boolean): Switch to automatically adjust the fstrips so that they connect properly at
intersections. This will remove overlapping parts, and add the missing area to connect the outer corners.
Default value is True, performing the adjustment.
- allow_outer_leafs (boolean): When set to true, foundations can be created below the outer leafs of cavity
walls as well. Default value is False.
- adjust_for_cavity (boolean): Toggle to place the foundation wall in the middle of the cavity. Default value
is True. This input is not used and will be removed in future releases.
- foundation_wall_material (str): Optional input to specify the material of the foundation wall. Default value
is None, in which case the material of the wall is the same as that of the ground floor wall.
- cavity_extension (float): The height of the ground floor cavity wall's extension below ground floor level,
in [mm]. Default is 0, which means ground floor cavity walls doesn't extend into foundation
- Returns lists of object references of newly created foundation walls (Wall) and foundation strips (Fstrip).
# Input for walls should be list
# In case input for walls is not provided as list but as single wall, proceed with function
if isinstance(walls, Wall):
walls = [walls]
if not isinstance(walls, list):
raise ValueError(f'ERROR: Input for viia_create_foundation_walls_and_strips requires a list of walls.')
for i, wall in enumerate(walls):
if isinstance(wall, str):
if 'wall_' in wall:
walls[i] = fem_find_object(
reference=int(wall.replace('wall_', '')), collection=project.collections.walls)
walls[i] = fem_find_object(reference=wall, collection=project.collections.walls)
if not isinstance(walls[i], Wall):
raise ValueError(f'ERROR: The wall to create foundation under could not be found.')
# Check if supplied strip material is present
if strip_material and isinstance(strip_material, str):
strip_material = project.viia_materials(strip_material)
# Check if stepped foundation is applied
stepped_foundation = False
if stepped_foundation_strip_extensions or stepped_foundation_strip_heights:
if not stepped_foundation_strip_extensions and stepped_foundation_strip_heights:
raise ValueError("ERROR: Input for stepped foundation received, but incomplete.")
if not len(stepped_foundation_strip_extensions) == len(stepped_foundation_strip_heights):
raise ValueError("ERROR: Input for stepped foundation is not complying, lists should have same length.")
stepped_foundation = True
# Create the foundations per wall
f_walls = []
f_strips = []
f_strips_directions = []
warning_given = False
for wall in walls:
# Check for user input of shape-geometries
shape_line = None
if isinstance(wall, tuple):
shape_line = wall[1]
wall = wall[0]
if wall.id > 9000 and not allow_outer_leafs:
if not warning_given:
"WARNING: Foundations cannot be created underneath the outer leafs of the cavity wall. "
"Please use the inner wall for this. This wall is skipped.")
warning_given = True
# Check if this is wall has an outer leaf
outer_leaf = None
is_cavity_wall = False
cavity_distance = None
for other_wall in project.collections.walls:
if other_wall.id == wall.id + 9000:
outer_leaf = other_wall
is_cavity_wall = True
# Check input for line shape-geometries to create foundation on part only
bottom_edges = wall.get_bottom_edges(include_openings=True)
if shape_line and shape_line not in bottom_edges:
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The line shape-geometry provided for the function to create a foundation is not part of the "
f"bottom edge of the wall {wall.name}.")
if shape_line:
bottom_edges = [shape_line]
# Determine the points for creation of the foundation
if is_cavity_wall:
if shape_line:
raise NotImplementedError(
"ERROR: Applying a foundation on part of a cavity wall is not yet implemented.")
points = _determine_foundation_points_for_cavity_wall(inner_leaf=wall, outer_leaf=outer_leaf)
cavity_distance = fem_distance_point_to_plane(point=points[0], plane=wall.contour.get_points()) * 2 - \
(wall.geometry.geometry_model.thickness + outer_leaf.geometry.geometry_model.thickness) / 2
points = fem_longest_distance([point for line in bottom_edges for point in line.get_points()])
# Determine the width of the foundation wall, in mm
cavity_extension_wall_bottom = None
cavity_extension_wall_thickness = None
if is_cavity_wall:
foundation_wall_thickness = wall.geometry.geometry_model.thickness * 1e3 + \
outer_leaf.geometry.geometry_model.thickness * 1e3 + cavity_distance * 1e3
# Calculate the cavity extension thickness
cavity_extension_wall_thickness = \
wall.geometry.geometry_model.thickness * 1e3 + outer_leaf.geometry.geometry_model.thickness * 1e3
# Calculate the cavity extension bottom level and thickness
cavity_extension_wall_bottom = points[0][2] - cavity_extension / 1e3
foundation_wall_thickness = wall.geometry.geometry_model.thickness * 1e3
# Check the material for the foundation wall
if foundation_wall_material:
if isinstance(foundation_wall_material, Material):
wall_material = foundation_wall_material
wall_material = project.viia_create_material(material_name=foundation_wall_material)
wall_material = wall.material
if stepped_foundation:
# Check material
if not isinstance(wall.material, Masonry):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The stepped foundation is only available for masonry walls.")
if strip_material:
if strip_material is not wall.material:
"WARNING: The strip for the stepped foundation has been requested with another material then "
"the wall on top. This is not a common situation, please check before continuing. In normal "
"situations you do not need to provide the strip-material.")
if not isinstance(strip_material, Masonry):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The stepped foundation is only available for masonry walls and strips.")
# Create the stepped foundation
if is_cavity_wall:
normal_wall, equiv_wall, foundation_strip, cavity_extension_wall = \
normal_wall, equiv_wall, foundation_strip, cavity_extension_wall = \
if normal_wall:
if cavity_extension_wall:
direction = fem_vector_2_points(points[0], points[1])
# X-axis of the foundation wall should be the same as the wall on top
walls_created = [w for w in [normal_wall, equiv_wall, cavity_extension_wall] if w is not None]
for wall_created in walls_created:
if wall and wall_created and wall_created.element_x_axis != wall.element_x_axis:
wall_created.element_x_axis = wall.element_x_axis
# Store foundation dimensions to meta-data for C3 pictures
# Note in case normal wall is None, the equivalent wall continues to the bottom edge of the supported wall
equiv_dict = {
'equiv_wall': equiv_wall,
'normal_wall': normal_wall}
if is_cavity_wall:
if cavity_extension_wall:
equiv_dict['cavity_extension_wall'] = cavity_extension_wall
equiv_dict['cavity_distance'] = cavity_distance
equiv_dict['outer_leaf_thickness'] = outer_leaf.geometry.geometry_model.thickness
'stepped_foundation': True,
'supported_wall': wall,
'real_dimensions': [stepped_foundation_strip_extensions, stepped_foundation_strip_heights],
'equiv_dimensions': equiv_dict})
# Check if strip-material is provided (is only optional for stepped foundation)
if not isinstance(strip_material, Material):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The strip-material was not provided correctly.")
if is_cavity_wall:
# Inner leaf points
inner_leaf_points = fem_longest_distance(
[point for line in bottom_edges for point in line.get_points()])
# Outer leaf points
outer_leaf_bottom_edges = outer_leaf.get_bottom_edges(include_openings=True)
outer_leaf_points = fem_longest_distance(
[point for line in outer_leaf_bottom_edges for point in line.get_points()])
# Create foundation wall, cavity wall and strip
foundation_inner_leaf, foundation_outer_leaf, foundation_strip, cavity = \
project=project, inner_leaf_point1=inner_leaf_points[0], inner_leaf_point2=inner_leaf_points[1],
outer_leaf_point1=outer_leaf_points[0], outer_leaf_point2=outer_leaf_points[1],
foundation_wall_inner_leaf_thickness=wall.geometry.geometry_model.thickness * 1e3,
foundation_wall_outer_leaf_thickness=outer_leaf.geometry.geometry_model.thickness * 1e3,
wall_material_inner_leaf=wall_material, wall_material_outer_leaf=outer_leaf.material,
foundation_depth=foundation_depth, strip_width=strip_width, strip_thickness=strip_thickness,
direction = fem_vector_2_points(points[0], points[1])
if foundation_inner_leaf:
if foundation_outer_leaf:
# Align the X-axis of the foundation walls with the walls on top
for foundation_wall, top_wall in zip([foundation_inner_leaf, foundation_outer_leaf],
[wall, outer_leaf]):
if top_wall and foundation_wall and foundation_wall.element_x_axis != top_wall.element_x_axis:
foundation_wall.element_x_axis = top_wall.element_x_axis
# Store foundation dimensions to meta-data for model pictures foundation details
'strip_foundation': True,
'supported_wall': wall,
'foundation_wall': foundation_inner_leaf,
'foundation_cavity_wall': foundation_outer_leaf,
'cavity': int(round(cavity, 0))})
# Create foundation wall and strip
foundation_wall, foundation_strip = _viia_create_foundation_wall_and_strip(
direction = fem_vector_2_points(points[0], points[1])
# X-axis of the foundation wall should be the same as the wall on top
if wall and foundation_wall and foundation_wall.element_x_axis != wall.element_x_axis:
foundation_wall.element_x_axis = wall.element_x_axis
# Store foundation dimensions to meta data for C1 pictures
'strip_foundation': True,
'supported_wall': wall,
'foundation_wall': foundation_wall})
if adjust_strips:
project.viia_adjust_fstrips(fstrips=f_strips, fstrip_directions=f_strips_directions, fwalls=f_walls)
return f_walls, f_strips
[docs]def _viia_create_foundation_strip(
project: ViiaProject, thickness: float, width: float, level: float, material: Material,
line_point_1: List[float], line_point_2: List[float], cut_off_line_1: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None,
cut_off_line_2: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None) -> Fstrip:
This function creates the foundation strip.
- project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables.
- thickness (float): Thickness of foundation strip, in [m].
- width (float): Width of foundation strip, in [m].
- level (float): Depth of the foundation, in [m] (level of the foundation strip).
- material (obj): Object reference for material of the strip.
- line_point_1 (list of float): First corner point of the wall underneath which the foundation is made.
- line_point_2 (list of float): Second corner point of the wall underneath which the foundation is made.
- cut_off_line_1 (list of lists of float): List with two points that define a cut-off line for the foundation
strip, defining the side of the strip. Line point 1 should be on this line.
- cut_off_line_2 (list of lists of float): List with two points that define a cut-off line for the foundation
strip, defining the side of the strip. Line point 2 should be on this line.
- Creates and adds to project the newly created instance of Fstrip class.
# Mid-points of strip
line_point_3 = [line_point_2[0], line_point_2[1], level]
line_point_4 = [line_point_1[0], line_point_1[1], level]
strip_mid_line_points = [line_point_3, line_point_4]
# Directions of strip
strip_line_direction = fem_vector_2_points(point1=line_point_3, point2=line_point_4)
extrude_direction = fem_unit_vector(fem_cross_product_vector(strip_line_direction, [0, 0, 1]))
displacement_vector = [width / 2000 * i for i in extrude_direction]
# Point of contour of strip
strip_points = [
[strip_mid_line_points[0][i] + displacement_vector[i] for i in range(3)],
[strip_mid_line_points[1][i] + displacement_vector[i] for i in range(3)],
[strip_mid_line_points[1][i] - displacement_vector[i] for i in range(3)],
[strip_mid_line_points[0][i] - displacement_vector[i] for i in range(3)]]
if cut_off_line_1:
if not fem_point_on_line(point=line_point_1, line_points=cut_off_line_1, precision=project.check_precision):
raise ValueError(
f"ERROR: The cut-off line for the foundation strip {cut_off_line_1} is not intersecting with the base "
f"point of the foundation strip {line_point_1}.")
strip_points[1] = fem_intersection_of_two_lines(
coordinate1=strip_points[1], vector1=strip_line_direction, coordinate2=cut_off_line_1[0][:2] + [level],
vector2=fem_vector_2_points(point1=cut_off_line_1[0], point2=cut_off_line_1[1]))
strip_points[2] = fem_intersection_of_two_lines(
coordinate1=strip_points[2], vector1=strip_line_direction, coordinate2=cut_off_line_1[0][:2] + [level],
vector2=fem_vector_2_points(point1=cut_off_line_1[0], point2=cut_off_line_1[1]))
if cut_off_line_2:
if not fem_point_on_line(point=line_point_2, line_points=cut_off_line_2, precision=project.check_precision):
raise ValueError(
f"ERROR: The cut-off line for the foundation strip {cut_off_line_2} is not intersecting with the base "
f"point of the foundation strip {line_point_2}.")
strip_points[0] = fem_intersection_of_two_lines(
coordinate1=strip_points[0], vector1=strip_line_direction, coordinate2=cut_off_line_2[0][:2] + [level],
vector2=fem_vector_2_points(point1=cut_off_line_2[0], point2=cut_off_line_2[1]))
strip_points[3] = fem_intersection_of_two_lines(
coordinate1=strip_points[3], vector1=strip_line_direction, coordinate2=cut_off_line_2[0][:2] + [level],
vector2=fem_vector_2_points(point1=cut_off_line_2[0], point2=cut_off_line_2[1]))
# Create foundation strip
return project.viia_create_fstrip(
name='F', material=material, geometry=f'VLOER-{thickness}', points=[strip_points])
[docs]def _viia_create_foundation_column_and_strip(
project: ViiaProject, foundation_column_top_point: List[float], foundation_depth: float,
foundation_column_thickness: float, foundation_column_material: Material,
strip_width: float, strip_thickness: float, strip_material: Material) -> Tuple[Column, Fstrip]:
""" This function creates and returns the foundation column and strip."""
if not fem_greater(foundation_column_top_point[2], foundation_depth):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The top node of the foundation column is lower than the given foundation depth. "
"Please check your input.")
# The materials should be linear
if not foundation_column_material.is_linear:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The material of the foundation column should be linear.")
if not strip_material.is_linear:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The material of the foundation strip should be linear.")
strip_z = foundation_depth + strip_thickness / 2e3
strip_half_width = strip_width / 2e3
foundation_column_bottom_point = [foundation_column_top_point[0], foundation_column_top_point[1], strip_z]
foundation_column = project.viia_create_column(
name='F', material=foundation_column_material.name,
points=[foundation_column_bottom_point, foundation_column_top_point])
foundation_strip_points = [
[foundation_column_top_point[0] - strip_half_width, foundation_column_top_point[1] - strip_half_width, strip_z],
[foundation_column_top_point[0] + strip_half_width, foundation_column_top_point[1] - strip_half_width, strip_z],
[foundation_column_top_point[0] + strip_half_width, foundation_column_top_point[1] + strip_half_width, strip_z],
[foundation_column_top_point[0] - strip_half_width, foundation_column_top_point[1] + strip_half_width, strip_z]]
foundation_strip = project.viia_create_fstrip(
name='F', material=strip_material.name, geometry=int(strip_thickness), points=[foundation_strip_points])
return foundation_column, foundation_strip
[docs]def _viia_create_foundation_column_and_strip_stepped_foundation(
project: ViiaProject, foundation_column_top_point: List[float], foundation_depth: float,
foundation_column_thickness: float, foundation_material: Material, strip_extensions: List[float],
strip_heights: List[float], column_extends: bool) -> \
Tuple[Optional[Column], Column, Fstrip]:
""" This function creates and returns the equivalent column and the strip of the stepped foundation."""
if not fem_greater(foundation_column_top_point[2], foundation_depth):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The top node of the foundation column is lower than the given foundation depth. "
"Please check your input.")
# Check the height and determine if 1 or 2 columns are created
total_height = (foundation_column_top_point[2] - foundation_depth) * 1000
steps_height = 0
for step in strip_heights:
steps_height += step
if not fem_smaller(steps_height, total_height):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The step heights are higher than the distance between the foundation depth and the bottom side of "
"the column. Please check the input.")
# The material of the stepped foundation should be linear
if not foundation_material.is_linear:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The material of the stepped foundation below the column should be linear.")
# Create the strip
strip_width = foundation_column_thickness
for step in strip_extensions:
strip_width += 2 * step
strip_half_width = strip_width / 2E3
strip_z = foundation_depth + strip_heights[-1] / 2E3
foundation_strip_points = [
[foundation_column_top_point[0] - strip_half_width, foundation_column_top_point[1] - strip_half_width, strip_z],
[foundation_column_top_point[0] + strip_half_width, foundation_column_top_point[1] - strip_half_width, strip_z],
[foundation_column_top_point[0] + strip_half_width, foundation_column_top_point[1] + strip_half_width, strip_z],
[foundation_column_top_point[0] - strip_half_width, foundation_column_top_point[1] + strip_half_width, strip_z]]
foundation_strip = project.viia_create_fstrip(
name='F', material=foundation_material.name, geometry=int(strip_heights[-1]), points=[foundation_strip_points])
normal_column = None
if column_extends:
rest_height = total_height - sum(strip_heights)
if fem_smaller(rest_height, 250):
# Column is not split
equivalent_top_level = foundation_column_top_point[2]
# Two columns are created
equivalent_top_level = foundation_depth + steps_height / 1E3
normal_column = project.viia_create_column(
name='F', material=foundation_material.name,
points=[[foundation_column_top_point[0], foundation_column_top_point[1], equivalent_top_level],
# In case of different material between ground and foundation consider the whole geometry as stepped foundation
equivalent_top_level = foundation_column_top_point[2]
# Calculate the equivalent properties for the stepped foundation
eq_column_width_x, eq_column_width_y, _, eq_density = viia_get_equivalent_properties_masonry_column_foundation(
column_thickness_x=foundation_column_thickness, column_thickness_y=foundation_column_thickness,
bottom_of_strip=foundation_depth, heights_levels_strip=strip_heights, strip_extensions_x=strip_extensions,
strip_extensions_y=strip_extensions, original_density=foundation_material.mass_density,
# Create the equivalent foundation column
eq_column = project.viia_create_column(
name='F', material=f'{foundation_material.name}-DENSIT{int(eq_density)}',
points=[[foundation_column_top_point[0], foundation_column_top_point[1], strip_z],
[foundation_column_top_point[0], foundation_column_top_point[1], equivalent_top_level]])
return normal_column, eq_column, foundation_strip
[docs]def viia_create_foundation_columns_and_strips(
project: ViiaProject, columns: List[Union[Column, str]], foundation_depth: float,
foundation_column_material: str, foundation_column_width: float, strip_material: Optional[str] = None,
strip_width: Optional[float] = None, strip_thickness: Optional[int] = None,
stepped_foundation_strip_extensions: Optional[List[float]] = None,
stepped_foundation_strip_heights: Optional[List[float]] = None) -> \
Tuple[Optional[List[Column]], Optional[List[Fstrip]]]:
This function creates the foundation underneath all columns in the list. Only square cross-sections can be created
for foundation columns and strips.
- project (obj): VIIA project object containing collections of fem objects and project variables.
- columns (list): List with all the columns underneath which the foundation has to be made. The columns may be
provided as string or as object reference of Column.
- foundation_depth (float): Depth of the foundation strip, in [m].
- foundation_column_material (str): Name of the foundation column material.
- foundation_column_width (float): Width of the foundation column, in [mm]. Only square cross-sections can be
used for foundation columns. So, the width and the height of the column are the same. In case of stepped
foundation the width of the foundation column exactly below the ground column should be given.
- strip_material (str): Name of the strip material. Default value is None.
- strip_width (int): Width of the strip, in [mm]. In case of stepped foundation this input parameter
should not be provided. Default value None.
- strip_thickness (int): Thickness of the strip, in [mm]. In case of stepped foundation this input parameter
should not be provided. Default value None.
- stepped_foundation_strip_extensions (list of float): List of extensions for stepped foundations, in [mm].
Input parameter should only be provided for stepped foundations. Default value None.
The extensions are provided at each level of the stepped foundation going from top to bottom
60 | | 60
---- ----
75 | | 75
---- ----
40 | | 40
---- ----
| |
strip_extensions = [60, 75, 40]
- stepped_foundation_strip_heights (list of float): List of extensions for stepped foundations, values in [mm].
Input parameter should only be provided for stepped foundations. Default value None.
Height of the various levels of the stepped foundation going from top to bottom, in [mm].
| |
---- ----
120 | |
---- ----
50 | |
---- ----
60 | |
height_levels = [120, 50, 60]
- Returns lists of object references of newly created foundation columns (Column) and foundation strips
# Input for columns should be list
# In case input for columns is not provided as list but as single column, proceed with function
if isinstance(columns, Column):
columns = [columns]
if not isinstance(columns, list):
raise ValueError(f"ERROR: Input for viia_create_foundation_columns_and_strips requires a list of columns.")
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
if isinstance(column, str):
if 'column_' in column:
columns[i] = fem_find_object(
reference=int(column.replace('column_', '')), collection=project.collections.columns)
columns[i] = fem_find_object(reference=column, collection=project.collections.columns)
if not isinstance(columns[i], Column):
raise ValueError(f"ERROR: The column to create foundation under could not be found.")
# Check if supplied foundation column material is present
foundation_column_material = project.viia_materials(foundation_column_material)
if not isinstance(foundation_column_material, Material):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The foundation column material is not provided correctly.")
# Check if supplied strip material is present
if isinstance(strip_material, str):
strip_material = project.viia_materials(strip_material)
if not isinstance(strip_material, Material):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The foundation strip material is not provided correctly.")
# Use the same material with the foundation column
strip_material = foundation_column_material
# Check if stepped foundation is applied
stepped_foundation = False
if stepped_foundation_strip_extensions or stepped_foundation_strip_heights:
if not stepped_foundation_strip_extensions and stepped_foundation_strip_heights:
raise ValueError("ERROR: Input for stepped foundation received, but incomplete.")
if not len(stepped_foundation_strip_extensions) == len(stepped_foundation_strip_heights):
raise ValueError("ERROR: Input for stepped foundation is not complying, lists should have same length.")
stepped_foundation = True
# Create the foundations per column
f_columns = []
f_strips = []
if stepped_foundation:
if not isinstance(foundation_column_material, Masonry):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The stepped foundation is only available for masonry columns.")
if not isinstance(strip_material, Masonry):
raise ValueError("ERROR: The stepped foundation is only available for masonry strips.")
if foundation_column_material != strip_material:
raise ValueError("ERROR: The material of the foundation column and strip should be the same.")
for column in columns:
# Check if the column extends to the foundation
column_extends = True
if (column.material != foundation_column_material or
column.geometry.geometry_model.name !=
column_extends = False
normal_column, eq_column, foundation_strip = _viia_create_foundation_column_and_strip_stepped_foundation(
if normal_column:
# Store foundation dimensions to meta data for C1 pictures
equiv_dict = {'equiv_column': eq_column}
if normal_column:
equiv_dict['normal_column'] = normal_column
'stepped_foundation': True,
'supported_column': column,
'real_dimensions': [stepped_foundation_strip_extensions, stepped_foundation_strip_heights],
'equiv_dimensions': equiv_dict})
# Only square cross-sections are valid
if not foundation_column_width:
raise ValueError("ERROR: the foundation column width is not provided.")
if not strip_thickness:
raise ValueError("ERROR: the foundation strip thickness is not provided.")
if not strip_width:
raise ValueError("ERROR: the foundation strip width is not provided.")
for column in columns:
foundation_column, foundation_strip = _viia_create_foundation_column_and_strip(
# Store foundation dimensions to meta data for C1 pictures
'strip_foundation': True,
'supported_column': column,
'foundation_column': foundation_column})
return f_columns, f_strips
### ====================================================================================================================
### 3. Get equivalent properties for masonry wall and column foundation
### ====================================================================================================================
[docs]def viia_get_equivalent_properties_masonry_wall_foundation(
wall_thickness: float, bottom_of_strip: float, heights_levels_strip: List[float],
strip_extensions: List[float], original_density: float, top_level: float = 0, cavity: float = 0) \
-> Tuple[int, float, float]:
This function calculates the equivalent properties for a foundation wall.
Tool is based on version 3 of:
`VIIA_XXXX_Equiv_fundering.xlsx <https://royalhaskoningdhv.box.com/s/5wk3rlt0tfjmgha6c4q2ivli5nhdphkf>`__
- wall_thickness (float): Thickness of the wall original wall, in [mm]. In case of a cavity wall the thickness
is the total of the inner and outer leaf and the distance between the two.
- bottom_of_strip (float): Bottom level of the strip foundation, relative to z=0, in [m].
- heights_levels_strip (list of floats): Height of the various levels of the stepped foundation going from top
to bottom, in [mm].
| |
---- ----
120 | |
---- ----
50 | |
---- ----
60 | |
height_levels = [120, 50, 60]
- strip_extensions (list of floats): Extensions at each level of the stepped foundation going from top to bottom
60 | | 60
---- ----
75 | | 75
---- ----
40 | | 40
---- ----
| |
strip_extensions = [60, 75, 40]
- original_density: The density of the stepped foundation material, in [kg/m3].
- top_level (float): Top level of the foundation wall, relative to z=0, in [m].
- cavity (float): In case of a cavity wall specify the distance between inner and outer leaf. Default value
is 0, in which case no cavity wall is taken into account.
- Returns the equivalent width, depth and density of the modified foundation wall for the stepped foundation.
Returned values are in [mm] and the density is in [kg/m3].
# Check if the number of inputs for the extensions and height are the same
if len(strip_extensions) != len(heights_levels_strip):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The number of inputs for the extensions and level heights for the levels of the strips do not "
"match. Please check your input.")
stepped_foundation = ViiaSteppedFoundationWall(
return stepped_foundation.eq_wall_width, stepped_foundation.eq_wall_height, stepped_foundation.eq_density
[docs]def viia_get_equivalent_properties_masonry_column_foundation(
column_thickness_x: float, column_thickness_y: float, bottom_of_strip: float, heights_levels_strip: List[float],
strip_extensions_x: List[float], strip_extensions_y: List[float], original_density: float,
top_level: float = 0) \
-> Tuple[int, int, float, float]:
This function calculates the equivalent properties for a foundation column.
Tool is based on version 3 of:
`VIIA_XXXX_Equiv_fundering.xlsx <https://royalhaskoningdhv.box.com/s/5wk3rlt0tfjmgha6c4q2ivli5nhdphkf>`__
- column_thickness_x (float): Thickness of the original column for the x direction, in [mm].
- column_thickness_x (float): Thickness of the original column for the y direction, in [mm].
- bottom_of_strip (float): Bottom level of the strip foundation, relative to z=0, in [m].
- heights_levels_strip (list of floats): Height of the various levels of the stepped foundation going from top
to bottom, in [mm].
| |
---- ----
120 | |
---- ----
50 | |
---- ----
60 | |
height_levels = [120, 50, 60]
- strip_extensions_x (list of floats): Extensions at each level for the x direction of the stepped foundation
going from top to bottom. in [mm].
60 | | 60
---- ----
75 | | 75
---- ----
40 | | 40
---- ----
| |
strip_extensions_x = [60, 75, 40]
- strip_extensions_y (list of floats): Extensions at each level for the y direction of the stepped foundation
going from top to bottom, in [mm].
70 | | 70
---- ----
80 | | 80
---- ----
60 | | 60
---- ----
| |
strip_extensions_y = [70, 80, 60]
- original_density: The density of the stepped foundation material, in [kg/m3].
- top_level (float): Top level of the foundation column, relative to z=0, in [m].
- Returns the equivalent width x, equivalent width y, depth and density of the modified foundation column for
the stepped foundation. Returned values are in [mm] and the density is in [kg/m3].
# Check if the number of inputs for the extensions and height are the same
if not len(strip_extensions_x) == len(strip_extensions_y) == len(heights_levels_strip):
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: The number of inputs for the extensions and level heights for the levels of the strips do not "
"match. Please check your input.")
# The column is treated like two separate walls for x and y direction
stepped_foundation_x = ViiaSteppedFoundationWall(
stepped_foundation_y = ViiaSteppedFoundationWall(
eq_column_width_x = stepped_foundation_x.eq_wall_width
eq_column_height = stepped_foundation_x.eq_wall_height
eq_column_width_y = stepped_foundation_y.eq_wall_width
# The modified density should be calculated considering both equivalent widths x and y
# The strip is excluded from the calculation
strip_widths_x = stepped_foundation_x.total_strip_widths[1:]
strip_areas_y = stepped_foundation_y.strip_areas()[1:]
eq_volume = sum([width * area for width, area in zip(strip_widths_x, strip_areas_y)])
eq_area_y = eq_column_width_y * eq_column_height
modified_density = original_density * eq_volume / eq_area_y / eq_column_width_x
return eq_column_width_x, eq_column_width_y, round(eq_column_height, 3), round(modified_density, 3)
### ====================================================================================================================
### 4. Determine points for cavity wall
### ====================================================================================================================
[docs]def _determine_foundation_points_for_cavity_wall(inner_leaf: Wall, outer_leaf: Wall) -> List[List[float]]:
This function determines the location of the foundation wall in case of a cavity wall. It should be placed in the
middle of the cavity. This function constructs vectors from the bottom corner points of the inner leaf to the
corresponding bottom point of the outer leaf. The points for placing the foundation are halfway along this vector.
- inner_leaf (Wall): Object reference to the Wall object describing the inner leaf.
- outer_leaf (Wall): Object reference to the Wall object describing the outer leaf.
- Coordinates of the line under which to place the foundation wall and strip are returned as a list of lists of
# Find all points on bottom contours
points_inner = []
for line in inner_leaf.get_bottom_edges(include_openings=True):
for point in line.get_points():
points_outer = []
for line in outer_leaf.get_bottom_edges(include_openings=True):
for point in line.get_points():
# Determine outermost points
points_inner, points_outer = fem_longest_distance(points_inner), fem_longest_distance(points_outer)
# Determine corresponding points
distances = [fem_distance_coordinates(points_inner[0], point_outer) for point_outer in points_outer]
if fem_greater(distances[0], distances[1]):
pair_1, pair_2 = [points_inner[0], points_outer[0]], \
[points_inner[1], points_outer[1]]
# Construct vectors
vector_1, vector_2 = fem_vector_2_points(pair_1[0], pair_1[1]), fem_vector_2_points(pair_2[0], pair_2[1])
# Take the half of these vectors
vector_1 = [0.5 * value for value in vector_1]
vector_2 = [0.5 * value for value in vector_2]
# Determine foundation points
point_1 = [a + b for a, b in zip(pair_1[0], vector_1)]
point_2 = [a + b for a, b in zip(pair_2[0], vector_2)]
return [point_1, point_2]
### ====================================================================================================================
### 5. End of the script
### ====================================================================================================================